- Visual git guide | Repo
- Guide to making a CHIP-8 emulator
- Reading QR codes without a computer
- Creating a QR code step-by-step
- Hello World under the microscope
- What every programmer should know about memory
- Decoded: GNU coreutils
- Anatomy of a terminal emulator
- Internals of an Apple text editor: Part 1
- Architecture of consoles | Repo
- The absolute minimum every software developer must know about unicode in 2023 | Site
- Reversing for dummies - x86 assembly and C code (Beginner/ADHD friendly)
- Reverse engineering multi-part guide
- Intro to reverse engineering with ghidra
- Nightmare - intro to binary exploitation / reverse engineering | Repo
- Live firmware hacking a MIDI keytar - 5:19:19
- Cryptopals crypto challenges
- HTTP2 and HTTP3 explained
- HTTP3 explained
- The illustrated QUIC connection
- The illustrated TLS 1.3 connection
- How NAT traversal works
- The state of NAT traversal
- How a computer runs programs from start to finish | Repo
- How web works - from keypress to page rendering
- How terminal works
Thanks to the book of secret knowledge for directing me to some of these blogs.