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Emacs config

This is my new new simplified Emacs config based on straight.el and use-package.


The following shell script will clone this repository and symlink the elisp files into a new, empty ~/.emacs.d directory. You may want to fork this repository and claim this config as your own. If you do, simply update the REMOTE and REPO variables for your own forked version:

(set -e
test -d ~/.emacs.d && (echo "~/.emacs.d already exists. Aborting install." && exit 1)
test -d ${REPO} || git clone -b ${BRANCH} ${REMOTE} ${REPO}
mkdir ~/.emacs.d && ls -1 ${REPO}/*.el | xargs -iXX ln -s XX ~/.emacs.d
mkdir ~/.emacs.d/straight && ln -s ${REPO}/straight-versions ~/.emacs.d/straight/versions
ln -s ${REPO}/snippets ~/.emacs.d/snippets

You will treat your entire ~/.emacs.d directory as ephemeral (ie. not a git repository). All of your saved configuration should go here instead, saved in this repository (cloned locally to ~/git/vendor/enigmacurry/emacs).

  • The main emacs configuration, init.el and early-init.el, are both symlinked into the freshly created ~/.emacs.d directory.
  • The straight-versions directory is also symlinked to ~/.emacs.d/straight/versions, which keeps your package lock file (default.el) versioned inside of git, so as to maintain exactly reproducible installs.
  • yasnippet templates are stored in the snippets directory, and symlinked as ~/.emacs.d/snippets.

You can install the optional ec script as an alias to control emacsclient and start/connect to your emacs sever. Add the directory to your PATH (~/.bashrc):


If you use dmenu with i3, you can add your PATH directly to the dmenu launcher keybinding:

# excerpt from ~/.config/i3/config
bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id env PATH=$PATH:$HOME/git/vendor/enigmacurry/emacs dmenu_run


From time to time, you should review the versions of your dependencies in your lockfile (default.el).

To upgrade a single package, run M-x straight-pull-package

To upgrade a single package and all of its dependencies, run M-x straight-pull-package-and-deps

To upgrade all packages, run M-x straight-pull-all

After you're done upgrading packages, add the new versions to the lockfile:

## Write new upgraded versions to the lockfile:
M-x straight-freeeze-versions

If you maintain multiple installations, you will also need to run the following on each other machine after you git pull:

## Update the installed versions according to the lockfile
M-x straight-thaw-versions

Keyboard map

My keyboard map assumes that you have extra modifier keys available on your keyboard that are not normally found on modern PC keyboards, but are easy to remap in software via xkb (see man 7 xkeyboard-config)

  • Left Control key (This is mapped onto my Caps Lock key; known as C in Emacs)
  • Left and/or Right Alt key (Meta or Mod1; known as M in Emacs.)
  • Super ("Windows") key (Super or Mod3; but this is reserved for Sway (window manager), and this key is ignored by Emacs and all other applications.)
  • Hyper key (This is mapped onto my original bottom Left Control key, [freed up by moving Control to Caps Lock]; NB: Emacs 29 now recognizes Hyper_L as s (super), and no longer as H (hyper), but xkb and wayland still consider this hyper.)
  • Menu key (Menu; known as <menu> in Emacs. It cannot be used as a leader key, but it works by itself as a command. Bound to M-x.)

Keybinding Diagram1

Emacs 29 broke my old keymap. I used to have one more key, the "OG" Right Alt key, but with Emacs 29 this had to be sacrificed. These notes are for historical purposes only:

  • Right Alt (OG Alt, or Mod1, known as A in Emacs.). Changed in Emacs 29: OG Alt A no longer works, Alt (Mod1) is always recognized as Meta. Mod2 no longer functions at all in Emacs 29 (unrecognized)?!
  • Left Alt used to be Meta_L on Mod2, but ever since Emacs 29, it no longer recognizes Mod2, so it had to be remapped back to Mod1.
  • Hyper is now recognized as Super in Emacs 29?! Mod4, which is my Hyper key, is actually recognized as s (super) in Emacs 29, which is the Super key. That's OK in my case, because my actual Super key is not sent to Emacs, it is reserved for Sway. Emacs is confused, but it doesn't conflict with anything else. All the keybindings that used to be mapped to H (hyper) are now remapped as s (super).

In Wayland, you can run wev to test your keyboard keys and which modifiers they map to. You can reference my own sway config for how I setup the xkb_file to perform the remap.

(There is another key found on PC keyboards, called Menu. This is on the right side, somewhere near the Right Alt key. This is known as <menu> in Emacs. As far as I know, this key cannot be used as a modifier key, so it has to run a single command. The default emacs binding is to M-x, or execute-extended-command, which prompts you to run any command by name, but this config swaps it to amx).

Without moving to the evil side of Emacs, I'm interested in remapping my spacebar with interception-tools. You can use the dual-function-keys plugin to remap the spacebar, as an extra control key. However, unlike xkb, interception tools is not directly supported in userspace. interception-tools requires root access, and works at a much lower level than xkb, and so I'm worried that I won't be able to replicate the environment on all platforms.

My older emacs configs

Here's my old spacemacs config branch

Here's my old old literate config branch

If you want to see my old old old config from the late 2000s, see the ancient-history branch

Credits and other useful links

Some code samples taken from:


  1. "ANSI Keyboard Layout Diagram" used by permission CC-BY-SA Rumudiez


My GNU Emacs configuration







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