Nokia Japan
- 渋谷区 Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
- https://www.cocoacontrols.com/authors/EngrAhsanAli
Horizontal week view calendar for iOS just like apple calendar
MeteorDDP is really helpful to integrate servers written in meteor (a framework written in javascript) using native Swift in iOS.
AALocalizationKit is really helpful to maintain multiple languages in the application with their custom language fonts and an ability to change the language within your application!
[UNMAINTAINED] AACustomFont is a lightweight custom font binder in XML directly in TextView, Button, EditText, RadioButton, CheckBox tags. The library is aimed to avoid custom views for custom font…
EngrAhsanAli / SASlider
Forked from salmaanahmed/SASliderSASlider is lightweight cool looking custom slider control which enables the user to input integer or decimal values with high customizeability. User can select values by inputting in text field a…
FlagChatAdapter is easy to implement enchanting recycler view adapter. Just extend your adapter with FlagChatAdapter, impliment some methods and voila! You have got the most beautiful looking chat …
Assign this class to your UITableView and it will be equipped with pull to refresh as well as infinite scroll along with a callback where you don't have to worry about page number/size stuff. Thats…
AAImagePicker is a simple & easy-to-use image picker designed to present both camera and photo library options and get the UIImage easily
Material Spinner Loader Written in Swift 5.0
AAExpandableView is an easy made expandable view written in Swift 4.2
AAFloatingButton is floating action button component of material design for iOS. It has ripple effect same as per the material design.
Simple Profanity Filter for Strings written in Swift!
AACameraView is a lightweight, easy-to-use and customizable camera view framework written in Swift.
AADialogs - An easy way to handle your custom dialogs using storyboard
AALoaders is a lightweight, easy-to-use and powerful progress view loaders framework, written in Swift. It uses simple native elements for progress loading with customisations and allow to use with…
AASignatureView is a UIView to capture digital signature by drawing it on screen easily in iOS, written in Swift.
AARatingBar is a simple, lightweight & easy-to-use rating bar designed to get and set ratings in iOS, written in Swift.
AAPopUp is a simple and easy-to-use popup view controller designed to present customizable storyboard based view controller as a modal alert, written in Swift. It supports tag-based and dedicated v…
AACoreData is a lightweight data persistence wrapper designed to provide an easier solution for `CRUD` operations using CoreData in Swift.
AAPickerView is simple and easy-to-use implementation for UITextField to use as UIPickerView and UIDatePicker written in swift.
AADraggableView is a light-weight and easy-to-use draggable views in screen bounds with options designed to drag any UIView. It allows to drag the UIView in any view controller.
AAFragmentManager is a child view manager responsible to add child subviews in UIView and easy switching between them, written in Swift.
AASegmentedControl is lightweight and easy-to-use customised segmented controls, written in Swift.
AAViewAnimator is a set of animations designed for UIView, UIButton, UIImageView with options in iOS, written in Swift.
AANotifier allows you to create UIView based fragments to be appear on screen at runtime in iOS, written in Swift.
AARefreshControl is a pull to refresh control for UITableVIew and UICollectionView
AANetworking wraps power of Alamofire and Moya into simple Codeable format
Assign this class to your UITableView and it will be equipped with pull to refresh as well as infinite scroll along with a callback where you don't have to worry about page number/size stuff. Thats…