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David edited this page Feb 20, 2023 · 2 revisions

Each person will be:

  1. asked to enter two statements. (Questions for the candidates for example).
  2. shown 20 statements consisting of their 2 and the statements from 9 previous participants.
  3. asked to organize similar statements into groups
    3.1. when organizing into groups the participant will be asked to pick the best representative for the group.
  4. asked to pick the most important 2 of the statements or statement groups

If there are more than 100 previous, the user will be shown

  1. up to 20 statements that have been ranked by users in the previous round an received a minimum number of votes
  2. asked to group similar statements
    6.1. when organizing into groups the participant will be asked to pick the best representative for the group.
    6.2. if a statement is itself a group, the participant is voting to combine the groups and statements
  3. asked to pick the most important 2 of the statements

If there have been more than 10**P previous participants, the participant will be asked to do the process above a P-th time, with the highest ranked statements from the P-1 round.

In addition, participants from the previous rounds would be invited to return and continue the process from where they left off.

So if there are 1000 participants that would be 3 rounds, and 1 million participants would be 6 rounds. For everyone on earth (~8,000,000,000) it would be 10 rounds. The point of this being that each participant's effort is a reasonable size even when there are billions of participants.

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