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This project implements a simplified 8-bit CPU architecture in C, along with an assembler, emulator, and a TUI-based visualization tool. It serves as an educational tool for understanding computer architecture, instruction sets, and low-level programming.




Clone the project by:

git clone
cd ./amethyst

To build the project using gnu make run:


After that you will have ./cpu.


currently this project is for unix-like operating systems only.


For example to use the project run:

./cpu -p ./examples/pattern.bin

Which executes the file pattern.asm that generated by Assembler.

Or if you wish to see the instructions step by step use -s flag:

./cpu -p ./examples/pattern.bin -s

In stepping mode if you press q the program will end.

And to see how console works use -c flag and hello.bin program in examples/ which is running hello.asm:

./cpu -p ./examples/hello.bin -c

CPU Specifications:


  • 16 bytes of RAM (Addresses 0x10 to 0x1F)
  • 256 words of ROM (Addresses 0x00 to 0xFF)


  • 10 special-purpose registers (Addresses 0x00 to 0x09)
    • Register 0x06: GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output)


BSF f, b
Description Set bit (b) at address (f) to 1
Encoding 0101 bbbf ffff
Example BSF GPIO, 0
BCF f, b
Description Set bit (b) at address (f) to 0
Encoding 0100 bbbf ffff
Example BCF GPIO, 0
Description Goto given lable
Encoding 101k kkkk kkkk
Example GOTO start
Description No operation
Encoding 0000 0000 0000
Example NOP
Description Loads a literal (immediate) value into the W register.
Encoding 1100 KKKK KKKK (where KKKKKKKK is the 8-bit literal value)
Example MOVLW 03H
Description Moves the contents of the W register to a specified register or memory location.
Encoding 0000 001F FFFF (where FFFFF is the 5-bit address)
Example MOVWF 06H
Description Clears (sets to 0) a specified register or memory location.
Encoding 0000 011F FFFF
Example CLRF 06H
Description Clears the W register.
Encoding 0000 0100 0000
Example CLRW
Description Puts the CPU into a standby mode.
Encoding 0000 0000 0011
Example SLEEP
DECF f, d
Description Decrement register f and store the result back in f only if (d) destination is 1 otherwise store the resutl into register W.
Encoding 0000 11dF FFFF
Example DECF 0x01, 1
Description Decrement the contents of register f. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f. If the result is 0, skip the next instruction (which is already fetched) and execute a NOP instead.
Encoding 0010 11dF FFFF
Example DECFSZ 0x02, 1
INCF f, d
Description Increment the contents of register f. If d is 0, store the result in the W register. If d is 1, store the result back in register f.
Encoding 0010 10dF FFFF
Example INCF 0x03, 1
Description Increment the contents of register f. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f. If the result is 0, skip the next instruction and execute a NOP instead.
Encoding 0011 11dF FFFF
Example INCFSZ 0x04, 1
BTFSS f, b
Description Test the bit b in register f. If bit b is 1, skip the next instruction (which is already fetched) and execute a NOP instead.
Encoding 0110 bbbF FFFF
Example BTFSC 0x06, 2
BTFSC f, b
Description Test the bit b in register f. If bit b is 0, skip the next instruction (which is already fetched) and execute a NOP instead.
Encoding 0111 bbbF FFFF
Example BTFSC 0x06, 2
ADDWF f, d
Description Add the value in W register to the specified file register. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f.
Encoding 0001 11df ffff
Example ADDWF 0x06, 1
ANDWF f, d
Description AND the value in W register with the specified file register. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f.
Encoding 0001 01df ffff
Example ANDWF 0x06, 1
COMF f, d
Description Complement the specified file register. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f.
Encoding 0010 01df ffff
Example COMF 0x06, 1
IORWF f, d
Description Inclusive OR the value in W register with the specified file register. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f.
Encoding 0001 00df ffff
Example IORWF 0x06, 1
MOVF f, d
Description Move content of the specified register. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f.
Encoding 0010 00df ffff
Example MOVF 0x06, 0
RLF f, d
Description Rotate the specified file register left through the Carry flag. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f.
Encoding 0011 01df ffff
Example RLF 0x06, 0
RRF f, d
Description Rotate the specified file register right through the Carry flag. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f.
Encoding 0011 00df ffff
Example RRF 0x06, 0
SUBWF f, d
Description Subtract the value in W register from the specified file register. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f.
Encoding 0000 10df ffff
Example SUBWF 0x06, 0
SWAPF f, d
Description Swap the upper and lower nibbles of the specified file register. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f.
Encoding 0011 10df ffff
Example SWAPF 0x06, 0
XORWF f, d
Description Exclusive OR the value in W register with the specified file register. If d is 0, place the result in the W register. If d is 1, place the result back in register f.
Encoding 0001 10df ffff
Example XORWF 0x06, 0
Description AND a literal value with the W register
Encoding 1110 kkkk kkkk
Example ANDLW 0b00000110
Description Call a subroutine.
Encoding 1001 kkkk kkkk
Example CALL start
Description Clear the Watchdog Timer.
Encoding 0000 0000 0100
Example CLRWDT
Description Inclusive OR a literal value with the W register.
Encoding 1101 kkkk kkkk
Example IORLW 05H
Description Load the OPTION register.
Encoding 0000 0000 0010
Example OPTION
Description Return from a subroutine and place a literal value in the W register.
Encoding 1000 kkkk kkkk
Example RETLW 07H
Description Load the TRIS register.
Encoding 0000 0000 0fff (0000 0000 0110 or 0000 0000 0111)
Example TRIS 07H or TRIS 06H
Description Exclusive OR a literal value with the W register.
Encoding 1111 kkkk kkkk
Example XORLW 12H


Flag Name Description
-s Stepping Mode Clock pulse with keyboard keys
-f <num> Frequency Clock frequency from 1 to 1000000
-p <path> Program Path to .bin file from assembler
-l <path> Load CPU state Path to a .txt file that contains CPU's state
-c Console Enables the console and allows loggin for register 0x06 (GPIO)
-i <num> CI Mode Save CPU state at given position
  • If CPU state is loaded with -l don't need to use -p to load a program to CPU, but make sure that the program is exists for CPU to load it.


This section displays ASCII characters directly from the CPU's GPIO port. To print a character, write its 7-bit ASCII code to the port and set the eighth bit (bit 7) to 1. The corresponding ASCII character will appear on the console.

MOVLW 'A'     ; Load the ASCII code for 'A' into register W
MOVWF GPIO    ; Write the value from register W to the GPIO port
BSF GPIO, 7   ; Set the eighth bit (bit 7) of the GPIO port to 1


  • Press s to save the cpu's state to a cpu_state.txt file!
  • Press <space> to move to the next step in stepping mode.
  • Press <space> to pause/unpause CPU in auto mode.
  • Press r to reset the cpu while CPU is in SLEEP.


  • Possible seg fult for update_console in ./src/emulator.c when changing terminal size with high frequency so fast...


Emulator for PIC10F200 (8-bit CPU)






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