This is an advanced lottery smart contract explaining some of the very useful CRUD operations required to create an application using solidity on Ethereum.
- Dashboard with the list of public lotteries created by community
- Lottery management dashboard
- Create any number of lotteries by anyone
- Lotteries can only be activated by the creator of the lottery
- Lottery can be deleted by the creator of the lottery
- Anyone can participate into lottery by spending eth limit set by the creator
- Maximum entries is also set by the creator of the lottery
- List of participants in the lottery is displayed in the lottery management dashboard
- Winner is chosen by random inside the contract, triggered by lottery creator.
- Total ether collected is paid to the winner automatically upon winner selection.
$ git clone
Refer README inside ethereum and vuejs-frontend folder to run the application.
You can use Ganache GUI as private testnet for the purpose and connect Metamask to Ganache.