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Heterogeneity and Inbreeding

Set minimum mean depth to 5

module load apps/vcftools-0.1.16
module load apps/bcftools-1.8

vcftools --vcf 0002.vcf --min-meanDP 5 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out 0002.mDP5
vcftools --vcf 0003.vcf --min-meanDP 5 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out 0003.mDP5

Remove sites that are poorly represented

vcftools --vcf 0002.mDP5.recode.vcf --max-missing 0.8 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out 0002.mDP5.flt
vcftools --vcf 0003.mDP5.recode.vcf --max-missing 0.8 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out 0003.mDP5.flt

Identify missing individuals

vcftools --vcf 0002.mDP5.flt.recode.vcf --missing-indv --out Mus
vcftools --vcf 0003.mDP5.flt.recode.vcf --missing-indv --out Mod

Make an indivs2remove file for museum

awk -F "\t" '{print $1"\t"$5}' Mus.imiss | sort -k 2
vcftools --vcf 0002.mDP5.flt.recode.vcf --remove indivs2remove --recode --recode-INFO-all --out Mus.mDP5.miss

Make an indivs2remove file for modern

awk -F "\t" '{print $1"\t"$5}' Mod.imiss | sort -k 2
vcftools --vcf 0003.mDP5.flt.recode.vcf --remove indivs2remove --recode --recode-INFO-all --out Mod.mDP5.miss

If no samples removed from modern, rename it.

####mv 0003.mDP5.flt.recode.vcf Mod.mDP5.miss.recode.vcf

vcftools --vcf Mus.mDP5.miss.recode.vcf --het --out Mus.mDP5
vcftools --vcf Mod.mDP5.miss.recode.vcf --het --out Mod.mDP5

Calculate the heterozygosity on a spreadsheet and include species and population.

nano tripletC.het.fst

Put the following into R

module load languages/R-3.5.1-ATLAS-gcc-6.1
library(ggplot2) <- read.table("tripletC.het.fst", sep="\t", head=F)

q <- ggplot(data, aes(x=species, y=f, color=population))
q1 <-q + geom_boxplot(position = position_dodge(0.8))
q2 <- q1 + theme_classic()
q3 <- q2 + ggtitle(“Fstat in modern and museum populations, Triplet C“) + xlab(“Species”) + ylab(“f”)

colnames( <- c("sample", "species", "pop", "f", "hom", "het")
C.het.aov <-aov(het~species*pop,
TukeyHSD(C.het.aov, ordered=F, conf.level=0.95)


Effect of different minimum mean depths on Heterozygosity.

alt txt

Relationship between heterzygosity and minimum mean depth. Dark blue is Modern, light blue is Museum.

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Triplet C

Heterzygosity at a minimum mean depth of 5.

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Output from Two way Anova and Tukey Post Hoc on the Het

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Fst at a minimum mean depth of 5

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Output from Two way Anova and Tukey Post Hoc on the Fstat

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Triplet D

Heterzygosity at a minimum mean depth of 5.

alt txt

Output from Two way Anova and Tukey Post Hoc on the Het

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Fst at a minimum mean depth of 5

alt txt

Output from Two way Anova and Tukey Post Hoc on the Fstat

alt txt

Triplet G

Heterzygosity at a minimum mean depth of 5.

alt txt

Output from Two way Anova and Tukey Post Hoc on the Het

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Fst at a minimum mean depth of 5

alt txt

Output from Two way Anova and Tukey Post Hoc on the Fstat

alt txt

PCA and Outliers


First filter, merge and convert the isec VCF file.

This is for the museum and modern samples. For the expaninding samples see below.

module load apps/bcftools-1.8
module load apps/vcftools-0.1.12b

###merge the two bcf files in species/03_variants/filteredxxx/dir/

bcftools view 0002.vcf -O b > 0002.bcf
bcftools view 0003.vcf -O b > 0003.bcf
bcftools index 0002.bcf
bcftools index 0003.bcf

bcftools merge -m id 0002.bcf 0003.bcf -O b > C3.isec.mus.mod.bcf

##check that you have the correct number of variants and that none of that none of these are now multi-allelic
##The following two files should have the same number of loci. The second file should have all the individuals (mod +mus)

vcftools --bcf 0002.bcf
vcftools --bcf C3.isec.mus.mod.bcf 

vcftools --bcf C3.isec.mus.mod.bcf --max-alleles 2

#### convert bcf to vcf

bcftools view -O v C3.isec.mus.mod.bcf > C3.isec.mus.mod.vcf

### filter for missingness

vcftools --vcf C3.isec.mus.mod.vcf --missing-indv

#This outputs out.imiss with missingness frequencies for all individuals. Use awk and sort to find all individuals with >50% missingness

awk -F "\t" '{print $1"\t"$5}' out.imiss | sort -k 2

##paste the names of these indivs into a file called indivs2remove
##Then proceed with the filtering

vcftools --vcf C3.isec.mus.mod.vcf --max-missing 0.8 --remove indivs2remove --recode --recode-INFO-all --out C3.isec.mus.mod.flt

##create a poplist with indiv name, sampling location and sampling grid square number. Call this file C3.poplist.forpcadapt
##Check that the order of this info is the same as for the filtered vcf file you'll use in pcadapt
##You can get sample order with: 

bcftools query -l C3.isec.mus.mod.vcf

Principle Component Analysis using PCAdapt in R.

module load languages/R-3.5.1-ATLAS-gcc-6.1



C1 <- read.pcadapt("C3.forpcadapt.ped", type="ped")

Establish number of pc's by producing a scree plot graph. When the graph plateaus, little to no variance is explained by the following factors.

x.C1 <- pcadapt(C3, K=20)
plot(x.13, option="screeplot")

see on choosing K.

Plot the PCA using population information.

poplist <- read.table("C1.poplist.forpcadapt", sep="\t", header=F)
colnames(poplist) <- c("sample", "pop")

C1 <- read.pcadapt("C1.forpcadapt.plink.ped", type=ped)
x.C3 <- pcadapt(C1, K=2)
plot(x.C1, option='scores', pop=poplist)


Identifying outliers and false discovery rate

x.C1.maf0.05 <- pcadapt(C1, K=3, min.maf=0.05)
x.C1.maf0.1 <- pcadapt(C1, K=3, min.maf=0.1)

Plot p-distribution value.

hist(x.C1.maf0.05$pvalues,xlab="p-values CHall maf0.05",main=NULL,breaks=50)
hist(x.C1.maf0.1$pvalues,xlab="p-values CHall maf0.1",main=NULL,breaks=50)

Choose the distribution that is flat. Document the p-value distributions in each case. Write the figure to pdf and upload to github.


alpha <- 0.05  ##FDR
qval <- qvalue(x.C1.maf0.05$pvalues)$qvalues
outliers.C1 <- which(qval<alpha)

C1.snp_pc <- get.pc(x.C1.maf0.05,outliers.C1)

Write the x.C1.maf0.* to a file (including locus name/index, and associated statistics and p-values). Also record the outliers.C1 file as well as the number of outliers.

write.table(C1.snp_pc, "outliers.C1", col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F) 


Number of outliers

wc -l outliers.C1 #general outliers

awk '$2 == 1' outliers.C1 > PC.1
wc -l PC.1 #outliers associated with PC1

awk '$2 == 2' outliers.C1 > PC.2
wc -l PC.2 #outliers associated with PC2

awk '$2 == 3' outliers.C1 > PC.3
wc -l PC.3 #outliers associated with PC3

Outliers expanding populations

module load apps/bcftools-1.8
module load apps/vcftools-0.1.12b

bcftools view 0001.vcf -O b > 0001.bcf
bcftools view 0002.vcf -O b > 0002.bcf
bcftools index 0001.bcf
bcftools index 0002.bcf

bcftools merge -m id 0001.bcf 0002.bcf -O b > C3.isec.exp.core.bcf

vcftools --bcf 0001.bcf
vcftools --bcf C3.isec.exp.core.bcf

vcftools --bcf C3.isec.exp.core.bcf --max-alleles 2

bcftools view -O v C3.isec.exp.core.bcf > C3.isec.exp.core.vcf

vcftools --vcf C3.isec.exp.core.vcf --max-missing 0.8 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out C3.isec.exp.core.flt # This took 30 minutes with 7387746 possible sites...

vcftools --vcf C3.isec.exp.core.flt.recode.vcf --missing-indv

vcftools --vcf C3.isec.exp.core.flt.recode.vcf --remove indivs2remove --recode --recode-INFO-all --out C3.isec.exp.core.mis.


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