This is the software repository of the manuscript "Enhancing global preparedness during an ongoing pandemic from partial and noisy data" ( It is a 3-stage evaluation framework of the pandemic potential of an emerging variant from partial and noisy data. It combines a phylogenetic analysis of the first submitted sequenced samples, the import risk model that computes from the world air-transportation network the passenger flux from the outbreak country and an epidemic model that predicts the global spread of the new variant.
In the 1st. Stage the about 50 first sequenced samples in the outbreak country are phylogenetically analyzed via BEAST which estimates both the time of the most recent common ancestor
Stage 1 -- When and How:
- INPUT: 20 to 100 first available samples of the new variant
- Phylogenetic analysis to estimate
$t_0$ from genetic sequences - Early estimation of epidemic parameters:
$R_t$ , Generation interval
- Phylogenetic analysis to estimate
Stage 2 -- Targets: estimate the probability that a country imports the new variant at each time step
$t>t_0$ and estimate the potential number of seeds- INPUT: world air-transportation network at
$t_0$ - OUTPUT: passenger estimation from outbreak country to all countries in the world
- INPUT: world air-transportation network at
Stage 3 -- Epidemic Modelling: use a simplified (SEIR-like + age structure + immunity) epidemic model to estimate the potential number of cases at time
$t>t_0$ according to different scenarios:- Best: using the lowest estimate of the in Stage 1 computed growth rate, and the lowest underreporting factor
- Worst: using the highest estimate of the in Stage 1 computed growth rate, and the largest underreporting factor
The different stages rely on different datasets as illustrated in the graphic above. The detail of the datasets are outlined in the following sections. Here we only summarize the dependencies:
- Stage 1: the phylogenetic estimation rely on the alignments of the first 20, 50 or 100 genetic sequences of the new variant generated from the outbreak country, queried via the FASTA output of GISAID
Stage 2: the passenger flow estimation requires the world air-transportation network (WAN), which is the flight schedule data as provided by OAG (Official Airline Guide), i.e. only information about the direct flights and their seat-capacity serves as input and no passenger information. Stage 2 uses the WAN of the month that corresponds to the
$t_0$ estimated in Stage 1. - stage 3: the underreporting factor is estimated via the a comparison of covid deaths and cases in each country using owid data. Same data is used to estimate the pandemic situation at the time of the outbreak (reproduction number in target countries, vacinated fraction, ...). To estimate the incidence of the new variant we use the processed data from Stage 3 relies on the outputs from Stage 1 and 2.
general format:
- Date:
- Country:
Stage-1: Phylogenetic analysis via BEAST
- use fasta files downloaded from GISAID of the 20/50 or 100 first submitted sequences
- create the input .xml file for BEAST via BEAUti with parameters as described in the Supporting Information of the manuscript
- run BEAST
- discard the first 10% of sampled trees (burn-in)
- either estimate the median (and 95% HPD intervals) of the time of the most recent common ancestor (MRCA)
$t_0$ and growth rate from the posterior log (as resulting indata/stage1/BEAST_mcmc_chains.csv
) or use Tracer for generating those parameters (as indata/stage1/BEAST_epi_parameters.csv
The FASTA format sequence alignment files data/stage1/ contains the sequences obtained from GISAID and used in the analysis
- the sequence name is encoded as:
, as for example:hCoV-19/England/MILK-9E05B3/2020|2020-09-20|2020-10-27
each MCMC chain produces 10,000 trees which are sampled at every 20,000 generation from a total of 2x10^8 generations
(located indata/stage1/BEAST_runs/
) contains the posterior trees (10000) in nexus formatAlpha_n20_England.log.txt
(located indata/stage1/BEAST_runs/
) contains the posterior of the exponential growth rate, TMRCA and others parameters sampled from the MCMC for each tree
from the BEAST output the first 10% sample trees are discarded (burn-in) and the tree posterior values of all variants are summarized in
computing the mean median and 95% HPD intervals result in
The import risk model combines a random walk on the world air-transportation network (WAN) with a shortest path tree exit probability estimation, i.e. the random walker can at each step either continue to walk or exit at the current node. The shortest path tree exit probability is estimated by the ratio between the population at the current node and the population of all downstream nodes on the shortest path tree (SPT). The SPT uses the effective distance as introduced by Brockmann and Helbing, 2013 and it is therefore strongly related to disease spreading via the WAN.
A detailed explanation is included in the manuscript of this project and in the manuscript that introduces the import risk model.
Some use examples are outlined in the main()
function of mescev/stage2/
- to check the import risk model an example WAN data can be loaded to compute the countries with the highest mean import risk as target:
from importrisk_helper import load_wan_example
G = load_wan_example()
paras_risk = {'exit_prob_weighted_by': 'geo_dist'}
df = import_risk_all_cntr_aggregate(G, paras_risk=paras_risk)
# display results
N = 10
print('Given a subgraph of 30% randomly selected nodes with their edges shuffled')
print(f'The {N} countries with the highest mean import probability as a target are:')
print((df.mean(axis=1).sort_values() * 100).tail(N))
- or the precomputed import risk at a specific months from a specific country can be used instead:
# test loading of precompiled import_risk files
date = '2021-01-01'
cntr = 'DE'
N = 10
df_ir, df_outflux = precomputed_import_risk_cntr_agg(date, cntr)
print(f'the {N} countries with the highest precomputed import risk from {cntr} at {date} are')
the latter example is directly used in the next stage to estimate the seeds per day from the relevant outbreak countries
File: data/wan_example_dat/nx_nodesAttr.csv
and data/wan_example_dat/nx_edgesList.csv
A file with nodes info (id,iata,airport_name,iso_a3,lat,lon
) and a file with air routes (source,target,flux
). The flux
attribute refers to the combined maximal seat capacity of all flights between the airports. Note that flights might not operate at max. capacity and actual passenger numbers might be lower. The original WAN data can not be shared under the Terms of Use of the distributing company Official Airline Guide. To enable
the user to ensure that the import risk model works, we provide a modified example WAN. We also computed the import probabilities between January 2020 and June 2022 and provide them in the folder data/import_risks.
The example data is generated from the original WAN data (provided by OAG, Official Airline Guide) by:
- select 30% random nodes
- shuffle the fluxes + add noise to them
- select largest component + symmetrize flow
The detailed code describing how the sample data was generated is in data/wan_example_dat/
We can specify in the options of the function import_risk_all_cntr_aggregate
in mescev/stage2/ For example:
- if the exit probability of the random walker is additionally weighted by the geodesic distance of the airport to the outbreak airport run:
import_risk_all_cntr_aggregate(G, paras_risk={'exit_prob_weighted_by': 'geo_dist'})
Files: data/import_risks/top_traffic_XXX__exit_prob_weighted_by_geo_dist__import_risk_YYYY-M.csv
- file naming:
stands for the fraction of top-traffic included (by excluding airports with lowest traffic)YYYY
stands for the year of the WANM
stands for the month of the WAN
- file data:
- columns = ISO A3 SOURCE country code
- index = ISO A3 TARGET country code
- values = import risk, with distance-weighted exit probability and flux-symmetrized
Files: data/import_risks/top_traffic_XXX__exit_prob_weighted_by_geo_dist__import_risk_nosym_YYYY-M.csv
- same as above BUT
- values = import risk, with distance-weighted exit probability and NOT flux-symmetrized
Files: data/import_risks/top_traffic_XXX__exit_prob_weighted_by_geo_dist__outflux_YYYY-M.csv
- file naming:
- see above
- file data:
- columns = ['source_iso2', 'outflux']
- 'source_iso2'.values = ISO A3 country code of source
- 'outflux'.values = international WAN (World Air-transportation Network) outflux of the country during month
Path in
needs to be defined.
First step (Generation of parameters):
Execution of codes in mescev/stage3_preparation
to generate all seeds, parameters, sequencing information necessary to perform epidemics scenarios. Specifically, move in the directory and:
In order, assuming you are in the root directory of the repository:
cd mescev/stage3_preparation
python3 'Alpha' 20 '../../data/stage3/' '../../data/stage3_processed/' '../../data/stage3_processed/Renewal_aug_params/'
(where variant'Alpha'
is used as example here)
These codes generate files in directory data/stage3_processed
, which are then used in epidemics scripts.
Second step (Epidemics simulation):
and python and bash scripts in the directorymescev/stage3
perform epidemics simulation. Specifically, move in the directory and (with Alpha variants as example): -
make introductions voc=Alpha
make projections voc=Alpha
Compute number of daily travelers entering target countries from precomputed import risks (uses
script). -
The list of months is stored in
and the list of sources indata/stage3/seeds_sources.csv
. Seeds are stored in CSV files. The scripts generates the destination directories automatically for each month and source in the parent directorydata/stage3_processed/seeds/
. -
is the directory with seeds that needs to be fed to the epidemics model.
Generates the set of files for the sequences fractions for the variants under study. JSON files from
( are interpolated to extend from 2-weeks to 1-week data. Delta sequences for variants are merged together. These files are present indata/stage3/covariants_org
. To update them, please download thecluster_tables
folder from the its github repository ( -
The set of variants under study and the associated JSON file in the Covariants dataset are stored in
while mapping names for Omicron variants from Covariants to PANGO names are found indata/stage3/omicron_names_mapping.csv
. The scripts generates the destination directories automatically for each variant and country in the parent directorydata/stage3_processed/sequences/
. For each country (ISOA3) a file associated for a specific variant is found as indata/stage3_processed/sequences/{variant}_sequences_fraction/{iso_a3_code}_sequences_fraction.csv
. -
is the directory with seeds that needs to be fed to the epidemics model.
Generates parameter files in the folder
using sequences generated by previous script. Requires input of variant, data folder, processed folder and output folder paths as in example (considering current fodler structure):python3 'Alpha' 20 '../data/stage3/' '../data/stage3_processed/' '../data/stage3_processed/Renewal_aug_params/'
. In this examplenum_sample=20
as set in the paper. -
To produce a trajectory at least two files are needed: Introduction.txt, a two column tab-delimted file containing the number of infected per day (first variable, time in days (integer); second variable, number of arrivals), and Parameters.txt, which contains the following initial parameters: days_simulations, how many days to simulate Rt, base reproduction rate of the new variant Ve, vaccine efficacy, a number in [0-1] Vu, vaccine uptake, a number in [0-1] that indicates the fraction of people vaccinated Rt_stddev, that is the standard deviation of the normal random walker which modifies Rt day by day. This is also the only source of stochasticity in the model
Then, you need a third argument specifying the name of the output file. Optionally, a fourth file containing a vector that is the generation time can be provided, i.e. the nth element is the fraction of transmission that occur n days after infection. If you do not provide such file, the default is a discretised gamma distribution with mean 5.5 and std dev 2.14, as befits covid (Ferretti, Ledda et al 2020).
Wave labels:
due to the Alpha variantBETA
due to the Beta variantGAMMA
due to the Gamma variantDELTA
due to the Delta variantOMICRON
due to the Omicron variant
Format: wave_label,date,iso_a3,new_cases,new_deaths
This code in this project is licensed under the MIT License. The images and data under the CC BY 4.0 License.