hey there!
i was looking at the Pow website, and noticed that it mentions a different behavior for the Anvil transition.
in the website, it specifies an animation for the transition, which i thought was possible. however, after using the transition and looking at its implementation, it turns out that this is not possible?
this what the website shows:

but this is what the implementation is:
static var anvil: AnyTransition {
insertion: .modifier(
active: Anvil(animatableData: 0),
identity: Anvil(animatableData: 1)
removal: .identity
.animation(.linear(duration: 1.4))
the docs in the repo also specifies that the animation period is 1.4
so my question is: is it possible so specify an animation? or override the added one?
my main interest is to add a delay for the transition.
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