This is an app for the mainstream Pokémon games. This repo holds the implementation of the functionality to track the accumulated effort values of multiple Pokemon from multiple generations. IN PROGRESS
Download as compressed file (.zip) and unzip into your Eclipse workspace.
In the mainstream Pokemon games Pokemon become stronger by winning battles and other mechanisms. In short, you power up your Pokemon by increasing their effort values (EV) and the process is called EV training. EVs are applied to each of the six stat types per Pokemon (HP, attack, defense, special attack, special defense, and speed). EV training is tedious in that they can only be increased a little at a time, requiring a couple of hours per Pokemon. Up until the more recent generations (gens) of games there was no way to check your progress throughout.
This app works as a normal counter app, allowing a user to track the EVs earned on multiple Pokemon. It follows the rules of the games and only allows EVs to be gained or lost in "legal" amounts. The different mechanisms for gaining and losing EVs, such as vitamins and the Macho Brace, are also implemented.