This is a very basic project demonstrating how to build a Serverless application using TypeScript, including linting and tests. You can refer to this blog post as a walkthrough of the code here. For more info about Serverless:
edit ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = XXX
aws_secret_access_key = YYYY
Follow the README to bake the image
N.B: I git clone the repo into my personal folder /Users/egagne/git_root
- Launch the runtime interactive container by mounting your development + aws credential directories as volumes (absolute path):
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 -v /Users/egagne/git_root:/src -v /Users/egagne/.aws/:/root/.aws:ro serverless-docker:latest /bin/bash
- Now into the Docker terminal, cd to your typescript demo git repo:
root@ea886cea5989:/# cd /src/serverless-typescript-demo
root@ea886cea5989:/src/serverless-typescript-demo# <type any following commands>
- To test the lambda version locally:
root@ea886cea5989:/src/serverless-typescript-demo# sls webpack invoke -f hello -p event.json
- To simulate API Gateway locally:
root@ea886cea5989:/src/serverless-typescript-demo# sls webpack serve
Then with your browser enter the URL: http://localhost:8000/hello
- To create the infrastructure in aws (Cloud-Formation template that will create S3 buckets, Api Gateway endpoint + Lambda Function):
root@ea886cea5989:/src/serverless-typescript-demo# sls deploy
Then with your browser enter the Endpoint URL the serverless give you, something like:
- To run local mocha tests: npm run test (karma doesn't start the mocha tests, cannot figure out why)
root@ea886cea5989:/src/serverless-typescript-demo# npm run test:local
- To send a msg to kinesis:
root@ea886cea5989:/src/serverless-typescript-demo# sls invoke --function dataReceiver --path kinesis.json