Several months ago, I released the new version (4.x), I thought this version solves the chapter/chapter name problems, but the feedbacks from users imply that these settings are NOT CORRECT.
I finally realized that ONLY the translation settings are not enough, I need the general usage of latex basic documentclass under different language backgrounds. I am familiar with Chinese, and I know the social norm of chapter which calls 第一章
(Chapter 1
in English), but I have no knowledge about other languages. So I think the maintainer of these settings should be the user of this language or native speaker, not me. You know much better than me about which package(babel and its settings or other package) you need to get the font and numbering correct.
Here, I propose you to submit pull requests to this repo, that I do a simple review, and then add to this template, improving the translation settings under different languages.
Some related issues are below:
#169 #166 #156 #133 #137 #122