Easy65C02 is an fork of Easy6502 by Nick Morgan which support additionnals opcodes found in the WDC 65C02 CPU.
See http://eddybeaupre.github.io/easy65C02/ for the live site.
The original 6502 version can be found at https://skilldrick.github.io/easy6502/
This simulator load it's code a $E000 instead of $0600. Mostly to simulate running from ROM instead of RAM.
instruction | OpCode | Implemented | Description |
BRA r | 0x80 | Yes | Branch Always |
STZ d | 0x64 | Yes | Store Zero (Zero Page) |
STZ d,X | 0x74 | Yes | Store Zero (Zero Page, X) |
STZ a | 0x9C | Yes | Store Zero (Absolute) |
STZ a,X | 0x9E | Yes | Store Zero (Absolute, X) |
ORA (d) | 0x12 | Yes | OR with Accumulator (Indirect) |
AND (d) | 0x32 | Yes | AND with Accumulator (Indirect) |
EOR (d) | 0x52 | Yes | EOR with Accumulator (Indirect) |
ADC (d) | 0x72 | Yes | Add to Accumulator with Carry (Indirect) |
STA (d) | 0x92 | Yes | Store Accumulator (Indirect) |
LDA (d) | 0xB2 | Yes | Load Accumulator (Indirect) |
CMP (d) | 0xD2 | Yes | Compare with Accumulator (Indirect) |
SBC (d) | 0xF2 | Yes | Subtract from Accumulator with Borrow (Indirect) |
BIT d,X | 0x34 | Yes | Bit Test with Accumulator (Zero Page, X) |
BIT # | 0x89 | Yes | Bit Test with Accumulator (Immediate) |
BIT a,X | 0x3C | Yes | Bit Test with Accumulator (Absolute, X) |
INC | 0x1A | Yes | Increment Accumulator by one (Implied) |
DEC | 0x3A | Yes | Decrement Accumulator by one (Implied) |
PHY | 0x5A | Yes | Push Y to Stack |
PLY | 0x7A | Yes | Pull Y from Stack |
PHX | 0xDA | Yes | Push X to Stack |
PLX | 0xFA | Yes | Pull X from Stack |
TRB d | 0x14 | Yes | Test and Reset Bits (Zero Page) |
TRB a | 0x1C | Yes | Test and Reset Bits (Absolute) |
TSB d | 0x04 | Yes | Test and Set Bits (Zero Page) |
TSB a | 0x0C | Yes | Test and Set Bits (Absolute) |
JMP (a,X) | 0x7C | Yes | Jump (Absolute, X) |
Full list of 65C02 OpCodes: https://feertech.com/legion/reference65c02.html
Official WDC datasheet for the 65C02: https://www.westerndesigncenter.com/wdc/documentation/w65c02s.pdf