This is a port of the VEFontCache library.
Its original purpose was for use in game engines, however its rendeirng quality and performance is more than adequate for many other applications.
See: docs/ for the library's interface.
See scripts/ for building examples or utilizing the provided backends.
Currently the scripts provided & the library itself were developed & tested on Windows. There are bash scripts for building on linux & mac.
The library depends on freetype, harfbuzz, & stb_truetype to build.
Note: freetype and harfbuzz could technically be gutted if the user removes their definitions, however they have not been made into a conditional compilation option (yet).
- Font Parser & Glyph shaper are abstracted to their own warpper interface
- ve_fontcache_loadfile not ported (ust use core:os or os2, then call load_font)
- Macro defines have been coverted (mostly) to runtime parameters
- Support for hot_reloading
- Curve quality step interpolation for glyph rendering can be set on a per font basis.