Symfony allows controllers to return arrays and specify the #Template attribute to ease the use of templated responses without manual rendering. But the \EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Contracts\Controller\DashboardControllerInterface::index()
method is currently limited to the Response
object only:
interface DashboardControllerInterface
public function index(): Response;
The suggestion is to mix the return type with the array
type which will allow the dashboard index
method to return an array and specify a template with the attribute:
interface DashboardControllerInterface
public function index(): Response|array;
abstract class AbstractDashboardController extends AbstractController implements DashboardControllerInterface
public function index(): Response|array
Sample dashboard controller with custom index template:
class DashboardController extends AbstractDashboardController
public function index(): array
return [
'templateVar' => 'value',
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