This project provides a REST interface for Eclipse CDO (Connected Data Objects) and can be integrated in the MapEditor.
There is also a commandline tool available to interact with the ESDLDrive and is available from its Github repository.
It uses Open Liberty as Java server runtime. It supports Eclipse Microprofile and openIdConnect out of the box.
To generate a jar that can be run in an Open Liberty server run:
mvn liberty:package
To build the docker container run:
docker build . -t esdl-drive
To push it to the CI repo run:
docker tag esdl-drive:latest
The software can be configured using
, server.env
and server.xml
Additionally a keycloak.xml
is used to configure keycloak. The default configuration is made for the localhost setup with a keycloak server hosted on your local machine.
Some settings can be changed by using Environmental variables using the following properties:
defaults to http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/esdl-mapeditor
In localhost deployements of keycloak in docker you need to make a difference between the external accessible URL and the internal one.
defaults to {keycloak_realm}
The ESDL Drive uses cdo-mondaine
as client. It secret is defined using:
. It defaults to the one used for the localhost deployment in docker.
Users need the group of cdo_read
to read and write to the ESDLDrive.
All keys and certificates (see certificates/ are stored in a java keystore. You need the keytool password to access this keystore.
has a default value (see also server.xml)
The generation of the executable jar file can be performed by issuing the following command
mvn clean package
This will create an executable jar file esdl-drive.jar within the target maven folder. This can be started by executing the following command
java -jar target/esdl-drive.jar
During development, you can use Liberty's development mode (dev mode) to code while observing and testing your changes on the fly. With the dev mode, you can code along and watch the change reflected in the running server right away; unit and integration tests are run on pressing Enter in the command terminal; you can attach a debugger to the running server at any time to step through your code.
mvn liberty:dev
To launch the ESDLDrive page, open your browser at the following URL
The Metrics exports Telemetric data in a uniform way of system and custom resources. Specification here
See Metrics endpoint for the metrics data. You need to have an admin role to view this data (see keycloak.xml).
Exposes the information about your endpoints in the format of the OpenAPI v3 specification. Specification here
See OpenAPI UI to access the user interface.
Allow the participation in distributed tracing of your requests through various micro services. Specification here