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Icarus RPI main code


This project contains a task management library as well as main code running on the CM4 of the avionics of project Icarus. The program uses CPU affinity to bind tasks (threads) to specific cores and applies real-time scheduling policies to assign priorities to each task. It is specifically designed for systems running Raspberry Pi OS with the PREEMPT_RT patch, which supports real-time scheduling.

The SDD associated with this program can be found here:



This project i intended to be run on a raspberry pi running Linux with the PREEMPT RT patchset. However, it still works to a certain extent on a regular Linux machine like Ubuntu.

Cloning the repository


This repository uses git submodules! To clone it, use the --recurse-submodules flag like so:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Configuration of the raspberry pi

See for instructions on how to install Linux with the PREEMPT RT patch on a Raspberry Pi

Connection to the raspberry pi

As of the 7.11.2024, the Raspberry Pi 4 of avionics is has this specific configuration:

  • WIFI uname: ert
  • WIFI pwd: ERT123ert
  • RPI uname: ert
  • RPI pwd: ERT123ert

This means that, on startup, the RPI will try to connect to a network named ert with the password ERT123ert. You can create this network by sharing your phone connection for example.

Then, you can connect to it using ssh:

ssh ert@pi.local

Here, ert is the RPI uname. You will be then be prompted for a password. This is the RPI password, ERT123ert in this case. You should then be connected to the RPI.

Additionally, here is the configuration of Daniel's RPI 3B+

  • WIFI uname: ert
  • WIFI pwd: ERT123ert
  • RPI uname: daniel
  • RPI pwd: ert2024

And this is the configuration of the CM4:

  • WIFI uname: ert
  • WIFI pwd: ERT123ert
  • RPI uname: pi
  • RPI pwd: raspberry

Cross-compilation (Recommended)

Cross-compilation means compiling the project on a machine different from the one on which it will run. This is useful when the target machine has different architecture or OS. In this case, the target machine is a Raspberry Pi 4 running Linux with the PREEMPT RT patch. This is the recommended way to compile the project.


The following packages are required to compile this project: build-essential cmake gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu g++-aarch64-linux-gnu You can install them on your machine by running these commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu g++-aarch64-linux-gnu


From the root of the project, run the following commands:

mkdir build_cm4
cd build_cm4

This will compile the project for the Raspberry Pi 4. The resulting executable can be found in the build directory.

Copying the executable to the Raspberry Pi

You can easily copy files to the RPI by using scp from your computer:

scp build_cm4/src/rocket username@raspberrypi.local:

Replace username with the RPI username of the RPI you are using. See Connection to the raspberry pi for more information. This will copy the executable to the home directory on the RPI. You will be prompted for the password of the user username on the RPI.

Direct compilation

If you intend to run the program on the same machine on which you are compiling it, you can compile it directly on the machine.


The packages gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu and g++-aarch64-linux-gnu are not needed in this case. The only packages required are the following: build-essential cmake You can install them on your machine by running these commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake


From the root of the project, run the following commands:

mkdir build_local
cd build_local
cmake ..

The resulting executable can be found in build_local/src/rocket.


Main code

The executable can be found in the build directory. It needs to be run with sudo in order to set scheduling policies:

sudo ./build_local/src/rocket

Replace build_local with the name of the build directory you used. The program will start and run until it is stopped by the user.


The ps utility can be use to list running threads and processes. By default, ps only shows proccesses associated with the current user and terminal. This is not very useful, as it is usually run from another terminal (like a second ssh connexion). In addition, ps doesn't show threads and realtime attributes if run without arguments. Therefore, I suggest using the following command:

ps -eLo start,pid,user,policy,rtprio,psr,command


  • -e List all running processes
  • -L Include threads
  • -o Format according to the format string


  • start: time the command started
  • pid: a number representing the process ID
  • user: effective user name
  • policy: scheduling policy ("TS": SCHED_OTHER, "FF": SCHED_FIFO, "DLN": SCHED_DEADLINE, "-": not reported, "?": unknown)
  • rtprio: Real-time priority (if applicable)
  • psr: processor that process is currently assigned to
  • command: command name

Additional information can be found in the manual: man ps
Finally, to only show certain threads, one can pipe the output of ps into grep:

ps -eLo start,pid,user,policy,rtprio,psr,command | grep 'rocket'

CPU Isolation

To paraphrase the wiki, the isolcpus kernel parameter can be used to specify CPUs to be isolated from the scheduler algorithms. The argument is a CPU core list:

isolcpus=<cpu number>,….,<cpu number>

Some other system threads may still be started on the core. See and for potential solutions. Those could potentially be isolated if needed, but the process may involve recompiling the kernel...



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