The OSCAL Model Reference can be found at,
Provides a simple web application for managing System Security Plans and related documents. The data model is based on the OSCAL standard and objects can be imported and exported in OSCAL compliant JSON.
The OSCAL Model Reference can be found at,
- Python >=3.8
- apache
- postgres client if using a postgres database
- Clone the repository to your local directory
git clone
- Change to the new directory
cd opal
- The default environment variables are set to work well in a containerized environment. To run locally you will want to set some environment variables. You cna use the provided defaults.env file to get started.
cp opal/defaults.env opal/.env
- It is recommended to run the application from a virtual environment. To do so navigate to the application directory in a terminal and enter the following commands:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install the required python modules by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the initial migration to create the database objects:
python makemigrations
python migrate
- Create a superuser:
python createsuperuser
- Start the Server
python runserver
- Clone the repository to your local directory
git clone
- Build the image
docker build -t opal .
- Run the container
docker run --rm -it --name opal -p 8000:8000 -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG opal
- Clone the repository to your local directory
git clone
- Run the docker-compose. YAML file in the docs/docker-compose/ folder
cd docs/docker-compose
docker-compose up
OPAL is designed to run well in a containerized environment. It is recommended to set any desired environment variables using your chosen container orchestration solution (kubernetes, docker-compose, etc.). You can also set environment variables in a .env file which should be placed in the opal subdirectory. All variables are optional and will be populated with reasonable defaults if not provided.
NOTE: defaults will be applied if the environment variable is NOT provided, but if you provide an empty string or something similar the application will not overwrite that with the default value.
You can find a list of all environment variables and their defaults in the opal/ file.