The repository contains the code, input and output data used in the paper Tangi, M., Schmitt, R., Almeida, R., Bossi, S., Flecker, A., Sala, F., and Castelletti, A. - "Robust hydropower planning balances energy generation, carbon emissions and sediment connectivity in the Mekong river basin"
The data are divided into five folders
Folder "inputs" contains the input used for the simulations, including the Mekong River network and dam location and features;
Folder "code" contains all the scripts used to extract the paper's results and generate the paper's figures;
Folder "results" contains the outputs of the analysis described in the paper, in .mat format.
The scripts use the BORG Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to extract the results. The code to run the BORG MOEA is available on request from