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ED2IN namelist
The table below summarises the settings options for ED-2.2 simulations. For many mechanisms, multiple algorithms have been implemented; in these cases, we highlight the status of each implementation:
- ED-2.2 default. These are the options described in the ED-2.2 technical note (Longo et al., 2019) and that have been thoroughly tested. When unsure, we recommend to use this option.
- ED-2.2 alternative. These are the options described either in the ED-2.2 or other publications (mostly Xu et al., 2016), and should be fully functional. Depending on the application, this may be the most appropriate option.
- Legacy. Older implementations that have been implemented in ED-1.0, ED-2.0, or ED-2.1. These options are still fully functional and may be the most appropriate option depending on the question.
- Beta. Well developed alternative implementations to the ED-2.2 default. These implementations are nearly complete, but they have not be thoroughly tested. Feel free to try if you think it is useful, but bear in mind that they may still need some adjustments.
- Under development. Alternative implementations to the ED-2.2 default, but not yet fully implemented. Do not use these options unless you are willing to contribute to the development.
- Deprecated. Older implementations that have shown important limitations. They are included for back-compatibility but we strongly discourage their use in most cases.
- Non-functional. Older implementations that have been discontinued or methods not yet implemented. Do not use these options.
Longo M, Knox RG, Medvigy DM, Levine NM, Dietze MC, Kim Y, Swann ALS, Zhang K, Rollinson CR, Bras RL, Wofsy SC, Moorcroft PR. 2019. The biophysics, ecology, and biogeochemistry of functionally diverse, vertically and horizontally heterogeneous ecosystems: the Ecosystem Demography model, version 2.2 – part 1: Model description. Geosci. Model Dev. 12: 4309–4346, doi:10.5194/gmd-12-4309-2019.
Xu X, Medvigy D, Powers JS, Becknell JM , Guan K. 2016. Diversity in plant hydraulic traits explains seasonal and inter-annual variations of vegetation dynamics in seasonally dry tropical forests. New Phytol. 212: 80–95, doi:10.1111/nph.14009.
Name | Description |
NL%EXPNME | Simulation Name |
Type of run sought:
NL%IMONTHA | Together with IDATEA, IYEARA, and ITIMEA, this variable specifies the time corresponding to the initial state. It is an integer ranging from 1 to 12. When doing a HISTORY run, these variables are unmodified. Instead, change IMONTHH, IDATEH, IYEARH, and ITIMEH (see below). |
NL%IDATEA | The day of the month that corresponds to the initial state. This is an integer ranging from 1 to 31. |
NL%IYEARA | The year that corresponds to the initial state. This is an integer. |
NL%ITIMEA | The time of day corresponding to the initial state. It is in UTC, and has the form hhmm. It is an integer. |
NL%IMONTHZ | Together with IDATEZ, IYEARZ, and ITIMEZ, this variable specifies the time at which integration of the state variables should cease. It is an integer ranging from 1 to 12. |
NL%IDATEZ | Day of the month on which integration ceases. It is an integer ranging from 1 to 31. |
NL%IYEARZ | Year in which integration ceases. It is an integer. |
NL%ITIMEZ | The time of day at which integration ceases. It is in UTC, and has the form hhmm. It is an integer. |
NL%DTLSM | Basic time step [seconds] for photosynthesis, and maximum step for thermodynamics. Recommended values range from 240 to 900 seconds when using the 4th order Runge Kutta integrator (NL%INTEGRATION_SCHEME=1). We discourage using the forward Euler scheme (NL%INTEGRATION_SCHEME=0), but in case you really want to use it, set the time step to 60 seconds or shorter. |
NL%RADFRQ | Time step for the canopy radiative transfer model [seconds]. This value must be an integer multiple of NL%DTLSM, and we recommend it to be exactly the same as NL%DTSLM. |
NL%MONTH_YRSTEP | Month in which the annual time step (patch dynamics) should occur. |
NL%N_ED_REGION | The model may be run over 2-dimensional regions, at point locations, or both. NL%N_ED_REGION refers to the number of (typically disjoint) 2-dimensional regions to run the model. This can be set to 0 as long as NL%N_POI > 0. |
NL%GRID_TYPE | For 2-dimensional regions, this determines the grid projection. A value of 0 sets up a rectangular latitude/longitude grid; a value of 1 sets up a polar-stereographic grid. |
NL%GRID_RES | For latitude/longitude grids, this is the spacing (in degrees) of the grid mesh. Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 1. |
NL%ED_REG_LATMIN | List of length NL%N_ED_REGION. On a latitude/longitude grid, this specifies the minimum latitude of each region. Allowed values of -90 to 90. Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 1. |
NL%ED_REG_LATMAX | Like ED_REG_LATMIN, but this instead specifies the maximum latitude. Allowed values are -90 to 90. Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 1. |
NL%ED_REG_LONMIN | Like ED_REG_LATMIN, but this instead specifies the minimum longitude. Allowed values are -180 to 180. Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 1. |
NL%ED_REG_LONMAX | Like ED_REG_LATMIN, but this instead specifies the maximum longitude. Allowed values are -180 to 180. Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 1. |
NL%NNXP | Number of points in the X direction. Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 0. |
NL%NNYP | Number of points in the Y direction. Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 0. |
NL%DELTAX | X and Y grid spacing scale. Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 0. |
NL%DELTAY | in metres (dimension 1). Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 0. |
NL%POLELAT | Latitude of pole point (dimension 1). Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 0. |
NL%POLELON | Longitude of pole point (dimension 1). Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 0. |
NL%CENTLAT | Latitude of central point (list with NL%N_ED_REGION elements). Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 0. |
NL%CENTLON | Longitude of central point (list with NL%N_ED_REGION elements). Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 0. |
NL%NSTRATX | Fraction of the sizes in X direction given above that I should use for each region. Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 0. |
NL%NSTRATY | Fraction of the sizes in X direction given above that I should use for each region. Not used if NL%GRID_TYPE = 0. |
NL%N_POI | The number of point locations (aka polygons of interest or POIs) at which the model should be run. This can be zero as long as NL%N_ED_REGION > 0. |
NL%POI_LAT | list of the latitudes of the POIs. Allowed values are -90 to 90. |
NL%POI_LON | list of the longitudes of the POIs. Allowed values are -180 to 180. |
NL%POI_RES | Grid resolution of each POI (degrees). This is used only to define the soil characteristics when these data are obtained from gridded files (i.e., when NL%ISOILFLG = 1, NL%ISLCOLFLG = 1, and/or NL%ISOILDEPTHFLG = 2). |
Load balancing method. This is only used by regional runs, when RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY, or when IED_INIT_NODE is set to 4 or 5. This is used to determine the method in which the polygons are going to be split
Flag specifying whether or not to write sub-daily averages. The number of output files per day is defined by 86400 / NL%FRQANL.
Flag specifying whether or not to write out daily averages.
Flag specifying whether or not to write out monthly averages.
Flag specifying whether to write out monthly averages and the monthly averages by time of day. The number of points for the diurnal cycle is 86400 / NL%FRQANL.
Flag specifying whether or not to write out yearly averages (site-averaged).
Flag specifying whether or not to write out a specific file with instantaneous fluxes combined in a single file per year (site-averaged). This is used for optimization purposes only.
Observation time output. Similar to NL%IFOUTPUT, except only at the times specified in NL%OBSTIME_DB (see below).
Flag specifying whether history restart files are to be generated.
This variable, along with NL%IADD_PATCH_MEANS and NL%IADD_COHORT_MEANS, determine which level of aggregation to include in the output. When enabled, the files will contain more detailed output, but they may add a lot of disk space (especially if you want the fast output to have the detailed. NL%IADD_SITE_MEANS controls the site-level averages. The options are additive, and the indices below represent the different types of output.
NL%IADD_PATCH_MEANS | Flag to determine which output files should include patch-level averages. This flag works similarly to NL%IADD_SITE_MEANS. |
NL%IADD_COHORT_MEANS | Flag to determine which output files should include patch-level averages. This flag works similarly to NL%IADD_SITE_MEANS. |
NL%ATTACH_METADATA | Flag for attaching metadata to HDF datasets attaching metadata will aid new users in quickly identifying dataset descriptions but will compromise I/O performance significantly. 0 = no metadata, 1 = yes metadata |
NL%UNITFAST | Flag specifying the units of FRQFAST and OUTFAST. 0 - Seconds; 1 - Days; 2 - Calendar months (variable) 3 - Calendar years (variable) PS: If NL%OUTFAST is set to special flags (-1 or -2), NL%UNITFAST will be ignored. |
NL%UNITSTATE | Flag specifying the units of NL%FRQSTATE and NL%OUTSTATE. 0 - Seconds; 1 - Days; 2 - Calendar months (variable) 3 - Calendar years (variable) PS: If NL%OUTSTATE is set to special flags (-1 or -2), NL%UNITSTATE will be ignored. |
NL%OUTFAST | This specifies the time interval between new fast output files. Values are in seconds and must be <= 1 month. Values < NL%FRQFAST are ignored so each time will be written into a separate file. Special values are -1 = one file per day; -2 = one file per month. |
NL%OUTSTATE | Similar to OUTFAST, but for full state (history) files. Please notice that this option should be avoided in case the user is intending to run a restart or history run using the state files afterwards. |
NL%ICLOBBER | Flag specifying what to do if the model is trying to create an output or history file that already exists. If set to 0, the run will crash. If set to 1, previously existing files will be overwritten. |
NL%FRQFAST | Time interval between analysis output. If NL%OUTFAST is not a special value and is less than FRQFAST, this means that a new output will be written into a different file every NL%FRQFAST. Otherwise, files will be created every NL%OUTFAST seconds, and each file will contain one or more times (every NL%FRQFAST). |
NL%FRQSTATE | Similar to NL%FRQFAST, but for history output. |
NL%FFILOUT | Character string giving the path and prefix of analysis files (those controlled by NL%IFOUTPUT, NL%IDOUTPUT, NL%IMOUTPUT, NL%IQOUTPUT, NL%IYOUTPUT, NL%IOOUTPUT, and NL%ITOUPUT). |
NL%SFILOUT | Character string giving the path and prefix of history files (controlled by NL%ISOUTPUT). |
Flag specifying how the initial model state will be determined:
NL%EDRES | The grid resolution of ED2 restart files with multiple sites (used only when IED_INIT_MODE = 3). |
The meaning and the size of this variable depends on the type of run, defined by variable NL%RUNTYPE.
NL%ITIMEH | Time of day corresponding to the restart files when RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY. It is in UTC and has the format hhmm. It is an integer. |
NL%IDATEH | Day of the month corresponding to the restart files when RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY. It ranges from 1 to 31. |
NL%IMONTHH | Month corresponding to the restart files when RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY. It ranges from 1 to 12. |
NL%IYEARH | Year corresponding to the restart files when RUNTYPE is set to HISTORY. |
NL%NZG | Number of soil layers. One value for all regions and polygons of interest. |
NL%NZS | Maximum number of snow/water pounding layers. One value for all regions and polygons of interest. This is used only when snow is accumulating. If only liquid water is standing, the water will be always collapsed into a single layer. |
This controls how to initialise soil texture. This must be a list with NL%N_ED_REGION+NL%N_POI elements. The first N_ED_REGION elements correspond to each gridded domain (from first to last). Elements between NL%N_ED_REGION+1 and NL%N_ED_REGION+NL%N_POI correspond to the polygons of interest (from 1 to NL%N_POI. Options are:
This controls how to initialise soil colour. This must be a list with NL%N_ED_REGION+NL%N_POI elements. The first NL%N_ED_REGION elements correspond to each gridded domain (from first to last). Elements between NL%N_ED_REGION+1 and NL%N_ED_REGION+NL%N_POI correspond to the polygons of interest (from 1 to NL%N_POI). Options are:
This specifies the soil textural class when NL%ISOILFLG=2. Standard soil types are:
NL%ISOILCOL | ED-2 soil color classes that the model will use when ISOILFLG is set to 2. Allowed values are 1 to 21. 1 to 20 are soil color class values with 1 being lightest and 20 darkest. Soil type 21 is a special case that uses the albedo method that used to be the default in ED-2.1. |
NL%SLXCLAY | If all NL%ISOILFLG are set to 2, then SLXCLAY may be used to compute the soil properties instead of using one the pre-defined classes. If the number given is between 0 and 1, then SLXCLAY is the fraction of clay in the soil. Values outside the range 0-1 means that the user do not want to specify the fraction and use the pre-defined class set by NL%NSLCON. |
NL%SLXSAND | Similar to NL%SLXCLAY, but when defined between 0 and 1 it means the fraction of sand in the soil. |
NL%SLSOC | Prescribed mass fraction of soil organic carbon (kg kg-1). Used only when NL%SOIL_HYDRO_SCHEME=2. Currently this variable, along with NL%SLPH, NL%SLCEC, and NL%SLDBD must be initialised through the namelist (and not through XML as they are site characteristics). The code will be eventually updated to read these characteristics from HDF5 files (similalrly to soil depth, colour, and texture). |
NL%SLPH | Prescribed soil potential of hydrogen (pH) (0-14). Used only when NL%SOIL_HYDRO_SCHEME=2. |
NL%SLCEC | Prescribed cation exchange capacity (mol kg). Used only when NL%SOIL_HYDRO_SCHEME=2. |
NL%SLDBD | Prescribed dry bulk density (kg m-3). Used only when NL%SOIL_HYDRO_SCHEME=2. |
NL%SLZ | List of length NL%NZG elements, corresponding to the bottom of each soil layer [metres]. The first element of the list corresponds to the deepest soil layer, and the final element of the list corresponds to the shallowest soil layer. Values must be negative. We recommend that the top soil layer |
A list of length NL%NZG elements, corresponding to each soil layer. The first element of the list corresponds to the deepest soil layer, and the final element of the list corresponds to the shallowest soil layer. This is used only if NL%ISOILSTATEINIT=0 (see below). In this case, NL%SLMSTR will initialize the soil moisture using a soil moisture index.
NL%STGOFF | A list of length NL%NZG. Each element of the list corresponds to a different soil layer. The first element of the list corresponds to the deepest soil layer, and the final element of the list corresponds to the shallowest soil layer. This is used only if NL%ISOILSTATEINIT=0 (see below). In this case, NL%STGOFF will initialize the soil temperature. The value of NL%STGOFF is the difference between the initial soil temperature and the initial atmospheric temperature. |
NL%VEG_DATABASE | Character string giving the directory and prefix of the global vegetation class dataset. This classifies each point in the dataset as either land or water. Many different land cover types are recognized. In ED-2, this dataset is useful because it provides a land-sea mask. The default file is the Olson Global Ecosystem dataset. |
NL%SOIL_DATABASE | Character string and prefix for the database files that contain soil textural class data. This is used only when NL%ISOILFLG is set to 1. |
NL%SLCOL_DATABASE | Character string and prefix for the database files that contain soil colour data. This is used only when NL%ISLCOLFLG is set to 1. |
NL%LU_DATABASE | Character string and prefix for the database files that contain land-use change rates data. This is used only when NL%IANTH_DISTURB is set to 1. |
NL%PLANTATION_FILE | Character string for the path to the forest plantation fraction file. This is used only when NL%IANTH_DISTURB is set to 1 and the user wants to simulate forest plantations. Otherwise, leave it empty (NL%PLANTATION_FILE=) |
NL%THSUMS_DATABASE | Character string for the path to the directory with the dataset to initialize chilling-degree and growing-degree days. This is used to drive cold-deciduous phenology. You must provide this path even when you are not simulating cold-deciduous PFTs. |
NL%ED_MET_DRIVER_DB | Full path and name of the meteorological header file. Additional information on meteorological drivers are available here. |
NL%OBSTIME_DB | File containing times of desired IOOUTPUT. Reference file: /ED/run/obstime_template.time |
NL%SOILSTATE_DB | If NL%ISOILSTATEINIT is set to 1, this variable specifies the full path of the file that contains soil moisture and temperature information. For more information on the file itself, see documentation on the soil state file |
NL%SOILDEPTH_DB | If NL%ISOILDEPTHFLG is set to 1 or 2 (see below), this variable specifies the full path of the file that contains soil moisture and temperature information. For more information on the file itself, see documentation on the soil state file. |
A flag specifying where to obtain soil temperature and soil moisture.
A flag specifying where to obtain soil depth information.
This flag controls the pedotransfer functions in ED-2.2.
Soil boundary condition at lowest soil level. Possible values:
NL%SLDRAIN | Slope that slows down drainage from the bottommost soil layer. Possible values range from 0 (flat bedrock) to 90 (free drainage). Only used if ISOILBC = 2. |
Vegetation dynamics scheme. Possible values:
Whether to run the model as a "big leaf" model.
This determines how the fast time step is integrated.
NL%NSUB_EULER | The number of sub-steps in case we are running forward Euler. The maximum time step will then be DTLSM / NSUB_EULER. This is needed to make sure we don't take too long steps with Euler, as we cannot estimate errors using first-order schemes. This number is ignored except when NL%INTEGRATION_SCHEME is 0. |
NL%RK4_TOLERANCE | This is the relative tolerance for the Runge-Kutta integration (NL%INTEGRATION_SCHEME set to 1 or 2). Currently the valid range is between 10-7 and 10-1, but recommended values are between 10-4 and 10-2. (ED-2.2 default is 0.01). |
Flag specifying whether branches should be included in the vegetation thermodynamics or not. Options:
Determines the functional form that controls how parameters vary with temperature, and how the CO2 compensation point for gross photosynthesis (Gamma*) is found. Options:
Which allometry to use. This mostly affects tropical PFTs. Options:
Temporary variable for testing the relationship amongst traits in the tropics. This will be eventually remove in future releases.
Controls the dynamics and growth calculation for grasses.
Flag that specifies the phenology scheme. In the old scheme, plants shed their leaves once the instantaneous amount of available water becomes less than a critical value; in the new scheme, a 10-day running average of available water is used. Options:
NL%RADINT | Intercept of the phenology response to radiation. Only used if IPHEN_SCHEME = 3. |
NL%RADSLP | Slope of the phenology response to radiation. Only used if IPHEN_SCHEME = 3. |
Controls plant reproduction and dispersal. Possible values:
This specifies the atmospheric lapse rate scheme:
Specifies how tree crowns are represent in the canopy radiation model
Specifies how canopy radiation is solved, for both shortwave and longwave. Options:
Specifies how horizontal canopy radiation is solved.
NL%LTRANS_VIS | Leaf transmittance for tropical plants in the visible (PAR) band (ED-2.2 default is 0.05). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%LTRANS_NIR | Leaf transmittance for tropical plants in the near infrared (NIR) band (ED-2.2 default is 0.20). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%LREFLECT_VIS | Leaf reflectance for tropical plants in the visible (PAR) band (ED-2.2 default is 0.10). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%LREFLECT_NIR | Leaf reflectance for tropical plants in the near infrared (NIR) band (ED-2.2 default is 0.40). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
Leaf orientation factor for tropical trees. Values can range from -1 (all leaves are oriented in the vertical) to 1 (all leaves are oriented in the horizontal), and 0 means that leaf orientation is perfectly random. In practice, values outside the (-0.4;0.6) range are not recommended (Goudriaan 1977).
The ED-2.2 default is 0.10. This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
Leaf orientation factor for tropical grasses. Values can range from -1 (all leaves are oriented in the vertical) to 1 (all leaves are oriented in the horizontal), and 0 means that leaf orientation is perfectly random. In practice, values outside the (-0.4;0.6) range are not recommended (Goudriaan 1977).
The ED-2.2 default is 0.00. This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
Clumping factor for tropical trees. Values range from approaching 0 (black hole) to 1 (homogeneously spread - no clumping). 0 itself is not acceptable.
The ED-2.2 default is 0.80. This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
Clumping factor for tropical grasses. Values range from approaching 0 (black hole) to 1 (homogeneously spread - no clumping). 0 itself is not acceptable.
The ED-2.2 default is 1.00. This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%IGOUTPUT | Ignored unless NL%IHRZRAD ≠ 0. Write the patch table and gap realisation files? (0 -- no; 1 -- yes). Note these files are still in text files so they may take considerable disk space. |
NL%GFILOUT | Ignored unless NL%IHRZRAD ≠ 0. Prefix for the output patch table/gap files. |
Specifies the dependence of soil decomposition on temperature. Options:
This determines whether plant photosynthesis can be limited by soil moisture, the FSW, defined as
FSW = Supply / (Demand + Supply).
Demand is always the transpiration rates in case soil moisture is not limiting (the psi_0 term times LAI). The supply is determined by Kw * nplant * Broot * Available_Water, and the definition of available water changes depending on H2O_PLANT_LIM:
Flag to set dynamic plant hydraulics.
Different methods to perform structural growth.
Different methods to calculate respiration from stem metabolism.
Which stomatal conductance model to use.
How plant traits vary with changes in local environment:
This flag determines whether storage should be accounted in the carbon balance. Options:
This flag determines which carbon stress scheme is used. Options:
This constant determines the relative contribution of light and soil moisture to the density-dependent mortality rate. Values range from 0 (soil moisture only) to 1 (light only, ED-1 and ED-2.0 default).
where |
Different methods to calculate negative carbon balance mortality.
Different methods to calculate hydraulic failure mortality.
NL%VMFACT_C3 | Factor multiplying the default Vm0 for C3 plants (ED-2.2 default is 1.0). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set Vm0 instead. |
NL%VMFACT_C4 | Factor multiplying the default Vm0 for C4 plants (ED-2.2 default is 1.0). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set Vm0 instead. |
NL%MPHOTO_TRC3 | Stomatal slope (M) for tropical C3 plants (ED-2.2 default is 9.0). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%MPHOTO_TEC3 | Stomatal slope (M) for conifers and temperate C3 plants (ED-2.2 default is 7.2). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%MPHOTO_C4 | Stomatal slope (M) for C4 plants (ED-2.2 default is 5.2). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%BPHOTO_BLC3 | Cuticular conductance (μmol m-2s-1) for broadleaf C3 plants (ED-2.2 default is 10000.). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%BPHOTO_NLC3 | Cuticular conductance (μmol m-2s-1) for needleleaf C3 plants (ED-2.2 default is 1000.). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%BPHOTO_C4 | Cuticular conductance (μmol m-2s-1) for C4 plants (ED-2.2 default is 10000.). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%KW_GRASS | Water conductance (m2 yr-1kgCFine Root) for grasses (ED-2.2 default is 900 along with NL%H2O_PLANT_LIMIT=2). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%KW_TREE | Water conductance (m2 yr-1kgCFine Root) for trees (ED-2.2 default is 600 along with NL%H2O_PLANT_LIMIT=2). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%GAMMA_C3 | The respiration:carboxylation ratio (Rd0/Vm0) for C3 plants. In case this is set to 0 (Beta), find the ratio following Atkin et al. (2015, New Phytol.). The ED-2.2 default is 0.015. This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter or Rd0 instead. |
NL%GAMMA_C4 | The respiration:carboxylation factor (Rd0/Vm0) for C4 plants. In case this is set to 0 (Beta), find the ratio following Atkin et al. (2015, New Phytol.). The ED-2.2 default is 0.035. This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter or Rd0 instead. |
NL%D0_GRASS | The leaf vapour pressure deficit control (mol mol-1) in stomatal conductance for grasses (C3/C4), following Leuning (1995, Plant Cell Environ.) (ED-2.2 default is 0.016.). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%D0_TREE | The leaf vapour pressure deficit control (mol mol-1) in stomatal conductance for trees, following Leuning (1995, Plant Cell Environ.) (ED-2.2 default is 0.016.). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%ALPHA_C3 | Quantum yield of all C3 plants. This variable is used only when NL%QUANTUM_EFFICIENCY_T = 0 and NL%IPHYSIOL is 0 or 2 (ED-2.2 default is 0.080.). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%ALPHA_C4 | Quantum yield of all C3 plants. This variable is used only when NL%IPHYSIOL is 0 or 2 (ED-2.2 default is 0.080.). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%KLOWCO2IN | The initial slope (molAir molCO2-1) for the PEP carboxylase for C4 plants (ED-2.2 default is 17949). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%RRFFACT | Factor multiplying the fine root respiration function ALL PFTs (ED-2.2 default is 1.0). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set the fine root respiration parameters instead. |
NL%GROWTHRESP | The actual growth respiration factor for tropical PFTs (ED-2.2 default is 0.333). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%LWIDTH_GRASS | Leaf width (m) for grasses, which is used to control the leaf boundary layer conductance (ED-2.2 default is 0.05). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%LWIDTH_BLTREE | Leaf width (m) for broadleaf trees, which is used to control the leaf boundary layer conductance (ED-2.2 default is 0.10). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%LWIDTH_NLTREE | Leaf width (m) for needleleaf trees, which is used to control the leaf boundary layer conductance (ED-2.2 default is 0.05). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%Q10_C3 | Q10 factor for carboxylation and leaf and fine root respiration for C3 plants. This is used only if NL%IPHYSIOL is set to 2 or 3 (ED-2.2 default is 2.4). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%Q10_C4 | Q10 factor for carboxylation and leaf and fine root respiration for C4 plants. This is used only if NL%IPHYSIOL is set to 2 or 3 (ED-2.2 default is 2.4). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
Leaf drought phenology threshold. The sign matters. If the value is:
Which quantum yield the model should use for C3 plants. This is used only when NL%IPHYSIOL is set to 0 or 2. Options:
Flag to activate nitrogen limitation on photosynthesis.
Flag to activate nitrogen limitation on decomposition.
Determines how to apply fire in the model. Options:
NL%FIRE_PARAMETER | If fire happens, this will control the intensity of the disturbance given the amount of fuel. |
This is used only when NL%INCLUDE_FIRE = 2 or 3, and it has different meanings. The sign here matters.
This flag controls whether to include anthropogenic disturbances such as land clearing, abandonment, and logging.
This flag assumes whether the simulation scale is local or landscape. This controls the recurrence of logging.
NL%SL_YR_FIRST | The first year to apply logging. In case NL%IANTH_DISTURB=2 it must be a simulation year (i.e. between IYEARA and IYEARZ). Otherwise, this is ignored. |
NL%SL_NYRS | This variable defines the logging cycle, in years (see variable NL%SL_SCALE above). Ignored unless NL%IANTH_DISTURB=2. |
NL%SL_PFT | List of PFTs that can be harvested. Ignored unless NL%IANTH_DISTURB=2. |
NL%SL_PROB_HARVEST | Logging intensity (one value for each PFT provided in SL_PFT). Values should be between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0 meaning no removal, and 1 removal of all trees needed to meet demands. Ignored unless NL%IANTH_DISTURB=2. |
NL%SL_MINDBH_HARVEST | Minimum DBH for logging (one value for each PFT provided in NL%SL_PFT). Ignored unless NL%IANTH_DISTURB=2. |
Target biomass (kgC m-2) to be harvested in each cycle. Ignored unless NL%IANTH_DISTURB=2.
Important:NL%SL_BIOMASS_HARVEST=0 is a special flag, then all trees that meet the minimum DBH and minimum patch age will be logged. |
NL%SL_SKID_REL_AREA | Area damaged by skid trails (relative to felled area). Used only when NL%IANTH_DISTURB≠0. |
NL%SL_SKID_S_GTHARV | Survivorship of trees with DBH > MINDBH in skid trails. Used only when NL%IANTH_DISTURB≠0. |
NL%SL_SKID_S_LTHARV | Survivorship of trees with DBH < MINDBH in skid trails. Used only when NL%IANTH_DISTURB≠0. |
NL%SL_FELLING_S_LTHARV | Survivorship of trees with DBH < MINDBH in felling gaps. Used only when NL%IANTH_DISTURB≠0. |
NL%CL_FSEEDS_HARVEST | Fraction of seeds that is harvested in cropland patches. Used only when NL%IANTH_DISTURB≠0. |
NL%CL_FSTORAGE_HARVEST | Fraction of non-structural carbon that is harvested in cropland patches. Used only when NL%IANTH_DISTURB≠0. |
NL%CL_FLEAF_HARVEST | Fraction of leaves that is harvested in cropland patches. Used only when NL%IANTH_DISTURB≠0. |
Canopy turbulence scheme
This variable sets the surface layer model, which will be used to compute the characteristic scales (u*, θ*, q*, etc.).
Method for finding ground to canopy air space conductance. Options are:
NL%GAMM | Gamma coefficient for momentum, unstable case (dimensionless). A control for the similarity theory model. For more, check Beljaars and Holtslag (1991) (ED-2.2 default is 13.0). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%GAMH | Gamma coefficient for heat, unstable case (dimensionless). A control for the similarity theory model. For more, check Beljaars and Holtslag (1991) (ED-2.2 default is 13.0). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%TPRANDTL | Turbulent Prandtl number. A control for the similarity theory model. For more, check Beljaars and Holtslag (1991, J. Appl. Meteorol.) (ED-2.2 default is 0.74). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%RIBMAX | Maximum bulk Richardson number. A control for the similarity theory model. For more, check Beljaars and Holtslag (1991, J. Appl. Meteorol.) (ED-2.2 default is 0.50). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%LEAF_MAXWHC | Maximum amount of water (interception + dew/frost) that can stand on top of leaves (kg mLeaf-2) (ED-2.2 default is 0.11). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
Control for percolation and infiltration. Options:
List of plant functional types (PFTs) to be included. Current default PFTs are:
NL%PASTURE_STOCK | Which PFTs should be used for pasture. This is used only if NL%IANTH_DISTURB is set to 1 or 2. These PFTs should also be included in NL%INCLUDE_THESE_PFT. |
NL%AGRI_STOCK | Which PFTs should be used for cropland. This is used only if NL%IANTH_DISTURB is set to 1 or 2. These PFTs should also be included in NL%INCLUDE_THESE_PFT. |
NL%PLANTATION_STOCK | Which PFTs should be used for plantations. This is used only if NL%IANTH_DISTURB is set to 1 or 2. These PFTs should also be included in NL%INCLUDE_THESE_PFT. |
What should I do when I find a cohort with an unexpected PFT in the history start?
Flag to set patch/cohort fusion scheme
NL%MAXSITE | This is the strict maximum number of sites that each polygon can contain. Currently this is used only when the user wants to run the same polygon with multiple soil types. If there aren't that many different soil types with a minimum area (check NL%MIN_SITE_AREA), then the model will allocate just the amount needed. |
A variable controlling the sought number of patches per site. Possible values are:
A variable controlling the sought number of cohorts per patch. Possible values are:
NL%MIN_SITE_AREA | This is the minimum fraction area of a given soil type that allows a site to be created. |
NL%MIN_PATCH_AREA | This is the minimum fraction area of a given soil type that allows a patch to be created. Important: This is not enforced by the model, but we recommend that NL%MIN_PATCH_AREA ≤ 1/NL%MAXPATCH, otherwise the model may never reach NL%MAXPATCH. |
NL%ZROUGH | Roughness length (m) of non-vegetated soil (ED-2.2 default is 0.1). This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
This sets the background (time-independent) disturbance rate due to tree fall.
NL%TIME2CANOPY | Minimum patch age for treefall disturbance to happen. The ED-2.2 default is 0. When NL%TIME2CANOPY > 0 and NL%TREEFALL_DISTURBANCE_RATE > 0, then NL%TREEFALL_DISTURBANCE_RATE is internally adjusted so the average patch age is still 1/NL%TREEFALL_DISTURBANCE_RATE. |
NL%RUNOFF_TIME | In case a temporary surface water (TSW) is created, this is the e-folding lifetime of the TSW in seconds due to runoff. The ED-2.2 default is 3600. In case you don't want runoff to happen, set this variable to 0 (discouraged for long runs). |
NL%UBMIN | Minimum wind speed (m s-1) at the top of the canopy air space. The ED-2.2 default is 1.0. This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%UGBMIN | Minimum wind speed (m s-1) at the leaf level. The ED-2.2 default is 0.25. This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%USTMIN | Minimum friction velocity (m s-1) also known as u*. The ED-2.2 default is 0.10. This variable will be eventually removed from ED2IN, use XML initialisation file to set this parameter instead. |
NL%NPVARS | Number of variables to be printed. |
NL%PRINTVARS | List of variables to be printed on screen. |
NL%PFMTSTR | Format string for each variable listed in NL%PRINTVARS. The format strings follow standard Fortran format notation. |
NL%IPMIN | The first polygon index to print |
NL%IPMAX | The last polygon index to print |
Flag specifying the format of your meteorological driver files.
Flag specifying what to do if the model is trying to simulate a time for which you do not have a meteorological driver file.
NL%METCYC1 | First year for which meteorological driver files exist. |
NL%METCYCF | Last year for which meteorological driver files exist. In addition, the model assumes that files exist for all years between METCYC1 and METCYCF. |
This controls the time stamp of meteorological driver averages. Options:
What should the model do with the input shortwave radiation? Options:
NL%INITIAL_CO2 | Initial value for CO2 (μmol mol-1) in case no CO2 is provided at the meteorological driver dataset. |
NL%IPHENYS1 | For prescribed phenology schemes (NL%IPHEN_SCHEME=1), this is the earliest year for which spring data are available. Ignored otherwise. |
NL%IPHENYSF | For prescribed phenology schemes (NL%IPHEN_SCHEME=1), this is the latest year for which spring data are available. Ignored otherwise. |
NL%IPHENYF1 | For prescribed phenology schemes (NL%IPHEN_SCHEME=1), this is the earliest year for which fall data are available. Ignored otherwise. |
NL%IPHENYFF | For prescribed phenology schemes (NL%IPHEN_SCHEME=1), this is the latest year for which fall data are available. Ignored otherwise. |
NL%PHENPATH | Path and prefix giving the locations of the prescribed phenology files. Used only when NL%IPHEN_SCHEME=1. |
NL%IEDCNFGF | Full path and file name of an XML configuration file containing additional parameters. This can be blank if there is no configuration file. |
NL%EVENT_FILE | Full path and file name of a file that describes fine scale management (e.g. planting, irrigation, harvest, etc). This can be blank if there is no event file. |
NL%DT_CENSUS | Time between tree censuses, in months. Currently the maximum is 60 months, to avoid excessive memory allocation. Set this to 1 if you do not intend to compare the model with census data. |
NL%YR1ST_CENSUS | Year in which the first census was conducted. |
NL%MON1ST_CENSUS | Month in which the first census was conducted. |
NL%MIN_RECRUIT_DBH | Minimum DBH that is measured in the census, in cm. |
This flag controls the possible detailed outputs, mostly used for debugging purposes. The idea is to provide detailed output to check bad assumptions. The options are additive (see below), and the indices below represent the different types of output:
Important: Options 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 will only work for single site simulations, and it is strongly recommended to set NL%IVEGT_DYNAMICS to 0. These options generate tons of output, so don't try these options with long simulations. |
This option will eliminate all patches except one from the initialization. This is only used when one of the first five types of detailed output is active, otherwise it will be ignored. Options are:
This flag indicates how growth respiration fluxes are treated.
This flag indicates how storage respiration fluxes are treated.