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better disc batch testing
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zeromus committed Jul 11, 2015
1 parent b7c5fa8 commit 71022de
Showing 1 changed file with 161 additions and 142 deletions.
303 changes: 161 additions & 142 deletions BizHawk.Client.DiscoHawk/DiscoHawk.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -269,10 +269,11 @@ public void Run(string[] args)
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
po.CancellationToken = cts.Token;
po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1;
//po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = System.Environment.ProcessorCount - 2; //I'm disk bound, no sense hammering this
//po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = System.Environment.ProcessorCount - 2; //I'm disk or network bound, no sense hammering this
if(po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism < 0) po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1;
object olock = new object();
int ctr=0;
bool blocked = false;
Parallel.ForEach(todo, po, (fp) =>
Expand All @@ -283,26 +284,33 @@ public void Run(string[] args)
int strlen = todo.Count.ToString().Length;
string fmt = string.Format("{{0,{0}}}/{{1,{0}}} {{2}}", strlen);
Console.WriteLine(fmt, ctr, todo.Count, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fp));
//if (fp.Contains("Break Out"))
// blocked = false;

foreach (var cmpif in compareDiscInterfaces)
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
bool success = CompareFile(fp, loadDiscInterface, cmpif, verbose, cts, sw);
if (!success)
foreach (var cmpif in compareDiscInterfaces)
lock (Console.Out)

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
bool success = CompareFile(fp, loadDiscInterface, cmpif, verbose, cts, sw);
if (!success)
lock (Console.Out)

catch (AggregateException ae) {
catch (OperationCanceledException oce)
Expand All @@ -324,176 +332,187 @@ public void Run(string[] args)

static bool CompareFile(string infile, DiscInterface loadDiscInterface, DiscInterface cmpif, bool verbose, CancellationTokenSource cancelToken, StringWriter sw)
bool success = false;

sw.WriteLine("BEGIN COMPARE: {0}\nSRC {1} vs DST {2}", infile, loadDiscInterface, cmpif);
Disc src_disc = null, dst_disc = null;

//reload the original disc, with new policies as needed
var dmj = new DiscMountJob { IN_DiscInterface = loadDiscInterface, IN_FromPath = infile };
if (cmpif == DiscInterface.MednaDisc)
dmj.IN_DiscMountPolicy.CUE_PregapContradictionModeA = false;
var disc = dmj.OUT_Disc;
bool success = false;

var src_disc = disc;
sw.WriteLine("BEGIN COMPARE: {0}\nSRC {1} vs DST {2}", infile, loadDiscInterface, cmpif);

var dst_dmj = new DiscMountJob { IN_DiscInterface = cmpif, IN_FromPath = infile };
var dst_disc = dst_dmj.OUT_Disc;
//reload the original disc, with new policies as needed
var dmj = new DiscMountJob { IN_DiscInterface = loadDiscInterface, IN_FromPath = infile };
if (cmpif == DiscInterface.MednaDisc)
dmj.IN_DiscMountPolicy.CUE_PregapContradictionModeA = false;

var src_dsr = new DiscSectorReader(src_disc);
var dst_dsr = new DiscSectorReader(dst_disc);
src_disc = dmj.OUT_Disc;

var src_toc = src_disc.TOCRaw;
var dst_toc = dst_disc.TOCRaw;
var dst_dmj = new DiscMountJob { IN_DiscInterface = cmpif, IN_FromPath = infile };
dst_disc = dst_dmj.OUT_Disc;

var src_databuf = new byte[2448];
var dst_databuf = new byte[2448];
var src_dsr = new DiscSectorReader(src_disc);
var dst_dsr = new DiscSectorReader(dst_disc);

Action<DiscTOCRaw.TOCItem> sw_dump_toc_one = (item) =>
if (!item.Exists)
sw.Write("({0:X2} - {1})", (byte)item.Control, item.LBATimestamp);
var src_toc = src_disc.TOCRaw;
var dst_toc = dst_disc.TOCRaw;

var src_databuf = new byte[2448];
var dst_databuf = new byte[2448];

Action<int> sw_dump_toc = (index) =>
sw.Write("SRC TOC#{0,3} ", index); sw_dump_toc_one(src_toc.TOCItems[index]); sw.WriteLine();
sw.Write("DST TOC#{0,3} ", index); sw_dump_toc_one(dst_toc.TOCItems[index]); sw.WriteLine();
Action<DiscTOCRaw.TOCItem> sw_dump_toc_one = (item) =>
if (!item.Exists)
sw.Write("({0:X2} - {1})", (byte)item.Control, item.LBATimestamp);

//verify sector count
if (src_disc.LBACount != dst_disc.LBACount)
sw.Write("LBACount count {0} vs {1}\n", src_disc.LBACount, dst_disc.LBACount);
goto SKIPPO;

//verify TOC match
if (src_disc.TOCRaw.FirstRecordedTrackNumber != dst_disc.TOCRaw.FirstRecordedTrackNumber
|| src_disc.TOCRaw.LastRecordedTrackNumber != dst_disc.TOCRaw.LastRecordedTrackNumber)
sw.WriteLine("Mismatch of RecordedTrackNumbers: {0}-{1} vs {2}-{3}",
src_disc.TOCRaw.FirstRecordedTrackNumber, src_disc.TOCRaw.LastRecordedTrackNumber,
dst_disc.TOCRaw.FirstRecordedTrackNumber, dst_disc.TOCRaw.LastRecordedTrackNumber
goto SKIPPO;
Action<int> sw_dump_toc = (index) =>
sw.Write("SRC TOC#{0,3} ", index); sw_dump_toc_one(src_toc.TOCItems[index]); sw.WriteLine();
sw.Write("DST TOC#{0,3} ", index); sw_dump_toc_one(dst_toc.TOCItems[index]); sw.WriteLine();

bool badToc = false;
for (int t = 0; t < 101; t++)
if (src_toc.TOCItems[t].Exists != dst_toc.TOCItems[t].Exists
|| src_toc.TOCItems[t].Control != dst_toc.TOCItems[t].Control
|| src_toc.TOCItems[t].LBATimestamp.Sector != dst_toc.TOCItems[t].LBATimestamp.Sector
//verify sector count
if (src_disc.LBACount != dst_disc.LBACount)
sw.WriteLine("Mismatch in TOCItem");
badToc = true;
sw.Write("LBACount count {0} vs {1}\n", src_disc.LBACount, dst_disc.LBACount);
goto SKIPPO;
if (badToc)
goto SKIPPO;

Action<string, int, byte[], int, int> sw_dump_chunk_one = (comment, lba, buf, addr, count) =>
sw.Write("{0} - ", comment);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
//verify TOC match
if (src_disc.TOCRaw.FirstRecordedTrackNumber != dst_disc.TOCRaw.FirstRecordedTrackNumber
|| src_disc.TOCRaw.LastRecordedTrackNumber != dst_disc.TOCRaw.LastRecordedTrackNumber)
if (i + addr >= buf.Length) continue;
sw.Write("{0:X2}{1}", buf[addr + i], (i == count - 1) ? " " : " ");
sw.WriteLine("Mismatch of RecordedTrackNumbers: {0}-{1} vs {2}-{3}",
src_disc.TOCRaw.FirstRecordedTrackNumber, src_disc.TOCRaw.LastRecordedTrackNumber,
dst_disc.TOCRaw.FirstRecordedTrackNumber, dst_disc.TOCRaw.LastRecordedTrackNumber
goto SKIPPO;

int[] offenders = new int[12];
Action<int, int, int, int, int> sw_dump_chunk = (lba, dispaddr, addr, count, numoffenders) =>
var hashedOffenders = new HashSet<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < numoffenders; i++) hashedOffenders.Add(offenders[i]);
sw.Write(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) sw.Write((hashedOffenders.Contains(dispaddr + i)) ? "vvv " : " ");
sw.Write(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) sw.Write("{0:X3} ", dispaddr + i, (i == count - 1) ? " " : " ");
sw.Write(" ");
sw.Write(new string('-', count * 4));
sw_dump_chunk_one(string.Format("SRC #{0,6} ({1})", lba, new Timestamp(lba)), lba, src_databuf, addr, count);
sw_dump_chunk_one(string.Format("DST #{0,6} ({1})", lba, new Timestamp(lba)), lba, dst_databuf, addr, count);

//verify each sector contents
int nSectors = src_disc.LBACount;
for (int lba = -150; lba < nSectors; lba++)
if (lba % 1000 == 0)
Console.WriteLine("LBA {0} of {1}", lba, src_disc.LBACount);

if(cancelToken != null)
if (cancelToken.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
return false;

src_dsr.ReadLBA_2442(lba, src_databuf, 0);
dst_dsr.ReadLBA_2442(lba, dst_databuf, 0);

//check the header
for (int b = 0; b < 16; b++)
bool badToc = false;
for (int t = 0; t < 101; t++)
if (src_databuf[b] != dst_databuf[b])
if (src_toc.TOCItems[t].Exists != dst_toc.TOCItems[t].Exists
|| src_toc.TOCItems[t].Control != dst_toc.TOCItems[t].Control
|| src_toc.TOCItems[t].LBATimestamp.Sector != dst_toc.TOCItems[t].LBATimestamp.Sector
sw.WriteLine("Mismatch in sector header at byte {0}", b);
offenders[0] = b;
sw_dump_chunk(lba, 0, 0, 16, 1);
goto SKIPPO;
sw.WriteLine("Mismatch in TOCItem");
badToc = true;
if (badToc)
goto SKIPPO;

//check userdata
for (int b = 16; b < 2352; b++)
Action<string, int, byte[], int, int> sw_dump_chunk_one = (comment, lba, buf, addr, count) =>
if (src_databuf[b] != dst_databuf[b])
sw.Write("{0} - ", comment);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
sw.Write("LBA {0} mismatch at userdata byte {1}; terminating sector cmp\n", lba, b);
goto SKIPPO;
if (i + addr >= buf.Length) continue;
sw.Write("{0:X2}{1}", buf[addr + i], (i == count - 1) ? " " : " ");

//check subchannels
for (int c = 0, b = 2352; c < 8; c++)
int[] offenders = new int[12];
Action<int, int, int, int, int> sw_dump_chunk = (lba, dispaddr, addr, count, numoffenders) =>
int numOffenders = 0;
for (int e = 0; e < 12; e++, b++)
var hashedOffenders = new HashSet<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < numoffenders; i++) hashedOffenders.Add(offenders[i]);
sw.Write(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) sw.Write((hashedOffenders.Contains(dispaddr + i)) ? "vvv " : " ");
sw.Write(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) sw.Write("{0:X3} ", dispaddr + i, (i == count - 1) ? " " : " ");
sw.Write(" ");
sw.Write(new string('-', count * 4));
sw_dump_chunk_one(string.Format("SRC #{0,6} ({1})", lba, new Timestamp(lba)), lba, src_databuf, addr, count);
sw_dump_chunk_one(string.Format("DST #{0,6} ({1})", lba, new Timestamp(lba)), lba, dst_databuf, addr, count);

//verify each sector contents
int nSectors = src_disc.LBACount;
for (int lba = -150; lba < nSectors; lba++)
if (verbose)
if (lba % 1000 == 0)
Console.WriteLine("LBA {0} of {1}", lba, src_disc.LBACount);

if (cancelToken != null)
if (cancelToken.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
return false;

src_dsr.ReadLBA_2442(lba, src_databuf, 0);
dst_dsr.ReadLBA_2442(lba, dst_databuf, 0);

//check the header
for (int b = 0; b < 16; b++)
if (src_databuf[b] != dst_databuf[b])
sw.WriteLine("Mismatch in sector header at byte {0}", b);
offenders[0] = b;
sw_dump_chunk(lba, 0, 0, 16, 1);
goto SKIPPO;

//check userdata
for (int b = 16; b < 2352; b++)
if (src_databuf[b] != dst_databuf[b])
offenders[numOffenders++] = e;
sw.Write("LBA {0} mismatch at userdata byte {1}; terminating sector cmp\n", lba, b);
goto SKIPPO;
if (numOffenders != 0)

//check subchannels
for (int c = 0, b = 2352; c < 8; c++)
sw.Write("LBA {0} mismatch(es) at subchannel {1}; terminating sector cmp\n", lba, (char)('P' + c));
sw_dump_chunk(lba, 0, 2352 + c * 12, 12, numOffenders);
goto SKIPPO;
int numOffenders = 0;
for (int e = 0; e < 12; e++, b++)
if (src_databuf[b] != dst_databuf[b])
offenders[numOffenders++] = e;
if (numOffenders != 0)
sw.Write("LBA {0} mismatch(es) at subchannel {1}; terminating sector cmp\n", lba, (char)('P' + c));
sw_dump_chunk(lba, 0, 2352 + c * 12, 12, numOffenders);
goto SKIPPO;

success = true;
success = true;

sw.WriteLine("END COMPARE");
sw.WriteLine("END COMPARE");

return success;
return success;
if (src_disc != null)
if (dst_disc != null)

} //CompareFile

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