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E-Vote Decentralized Voting App aims to revolutionize the traditional method of voting which possess insignificant challenges and threats to the integrity, accessibility and efficiency of conducting a free and fair elections.


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The MultiElectionVoting smart contract is designed to manage multiple elections, allowing for the registration of candidates and voters, as well as the recording of votes in a decentralized and secure manner. The contract leverages the ERC2771Context for meta-transactions, ensuring that operations are executed within the context of trusted forwarders.


  • Election Management: Create and manage multiple elections, each with a specific title, start date, and end date.
  • Candidate Registration: Add candidates to specific elections before the election start date.
  • Voter Accreditation: Register voters for specific elections, ensuring only accredited voters can participate.
  • Voting: Accredited voters can vote for registered candidates within the active election period.
  • Election Information: Retrieve details about elections, including the list of candidates and their vote counts.
  • Voting History: allows voters to track their voting activities onchain.

Contract Structure

State Variables

  • mapping(uint256 => Election) public elections: Stores all elections by their unique ID.
  • uint256 public electionCount: Keeps track of the number of elections created.


  • Candidate: Represents a candidate in an election, storing their name, vote count, and registration status.
  • Voter: Represents a voter, storing their registration and voting status.
  • Election: Represents an election, storing the title, start and end dates, a list of candidates, and accredited voters.


  • ElectionCreated(uint256 electionId, string title, uint256 startDate, uint256 endDate): Emitted when a new election is created.
  • CandidateAdded(uint256 electionId, bytes32 candidateId, string name): Emitted when a new candidate is added to an election.
  • VoterAccredited(uint256 electionId, address voter): Emitted when a voter is accredited for an election.
  • Voted(uint256 electionId, address voter, bytes32 candidateId): Emitted when a vote is cast.


  • Constructor

    • constructor(address trustedForwarder) ERC2771Context(trustedForwarder): Initializes the contract with the address of a trusted forwarder for meta-transactions.
  • createElection

    • function createElection(string memory title, uint256 startDate, uint256 endDate) public: Creates a new election with the specified title, start date, and end date.
  • addCandidate

    • function addCandidate(uint256 electionId, string memory name) public: Adds a new candidate to an election before it starts.
  • accreditVoter

    • function accreditVoter(uint256 electionId, address voterAddress) public: Accredits a voter for a specific election.
  • vote

    • function vote(uint256 electionId, bytes32 candidateId) public: Allows an accredited voter to cast their vote for a specific candidate during the active election period.
  • getElectionDetails

    • function getElectionDetails(uint256 electionId) public view returns (string memory title, uint256 startDate, uint256 endDate, uint256 candidateCount): Retrieves details about an election, including the title, start date, end date, and number of candidates.
  • getCandidates

    • function getCandidates(uint256 electionId) public view returns (bytes32[] memory, string[] memory, uint256[] memory): Retrieves the list of candidates for an election along with their names and vote counts.
  • hasUserVoted

    • function hasUserVoted(uint256 electionId, address voterAddress) public view returns (bool): Checks if a specific voter has voted in a particular election.

How to Contribute


  • Solidity ^0.8.17
  • Gelato Relay
  • MetaMask or any Ethereum-compatible wallet
  • Node.js with Hardhat or Truffle for testing and deployment
  • Web3.js
  • Next.js
  • Ether.js
  • Onchain Kit

contract was deployed to Base

Here is the contract address 0x170Bbd5A102B995517B133aa6b9275d103B9a120

Steps to Contribute

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the repository to your GitHub account.

  2. Clone the Repository: Clone the forked repository to your local development environment.

    git clone
  3. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the necessary dependencies.

    cd MultiElectionVoting
    npm install
  4. Compile the Contract: Compile the smart contract using Hardhat or foundry.

    npx hardhat compile
  5. Run Tests: Write and run unit tests to ensure the functionality of the contract.

    npx hardhat test
  6. Deploy the Contract: Deploy the contract to your desired Ethereum network (e.g., Mainnet, Ropsten, etc.).

    npx hardhat run ignition/modules/MultiElectionVoting.ts --network base-sepolia
  7. Submit a Pull Request: After making changes, push the changes to your forked repository and create a pull request.

  8. Review Process: Your pull request will be reviewed by the maintainers. Ensure that you follow the coding standards and provide adequate documentation for your changes.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Follow Solidity Best Practices: Ensure your code follows best practices for security and efficiency.
  • Write Tests: Include tests for any new features or modifications to ensure contract integrity.
  • Document Your Code: Provide comments and documentation for any significant code changes or new features.
  • Adhere to the Code Style: Maintain consistent code style as per the existing codebase.


If you encounter any bugs or issues, please open an issue in the repository with detailed information on how to reproduce the problem.

Demo Vedio:



E-Vote Decentralized Voting App aims to revolutionize the traditional method of voting which possess insignificant challenges and threats to the integrity, accessibility and efficiency of conducting a free and fair elections.








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