A library mod for DragonsPlusMinecraft Create-addons.
repositories {
maven {
url "https://maven.dragons.plus/releases" // DragonsPlusMinecraft Maven
dependencies {
: Registrate with Create related builders and other advanced functions.
: Instance based, easily seperates tags under different namespaces. Supports datagen (including tag localization).
- Full support for custom processing recipe with custom params, including builder, serializer and sequenced assembly support.
- Custom builder for vanilla recipe types, supporting integration output (output that might not exist at runtime).
for awarding owner player advancements by stats and builtin trigger.BuiltinTrigger
: Criterion trigger for code triggered advancements.StatTrigger
: Criterion trigger for player stats
: Merge builtin language files (underlang/builtin
) to language provider.CDPRegistrate#registerForeignLocalization
: Merge foreign language files with untranslate entries. Add'--existing', file('src/main/translations/').getAbsolutePath()
to datagen program arguments to use translated language files undersrc/main/translations
- Ponder plugins are made to be sorted by mod dependency order, allowing addons to register scenes to existing components with reliable orders.
- Dye Fluids and Bulk Coloring
Feel free to open a PR to either provide localization or to add another feature! All help is appreciated!
Please use the language files in src/generated
and submit to src/main/translations