Oct 10, 2024: version 7.8.3
* ParU 1.0.0: first stable release. No change since last version
v0.3.0, except for date, version, and updates to the User Guide.
* UMFPACK 6.3.5: a few typos in comments and user guide; no change to code
* SuiteSparse_config and Example: revised to reflect ParU 1.0.0.
* SuiteSparse_config.h: removed inclusion of MATLAB mex.h in
SuiteSparse_config.h (conflicts with C++ mex files)
* KLU and RBio: revised mexFunctions to handle change in
* Package versions in this release: (* denotes a new version)
SuiteSparse_config 7.8.3 *
AMD 3.3.3
BTF 2.3.2
CAMD 3.3.3
COLAMD 3.3.4
CSparse 4.3.2
CXSparse 4.4.1
Example 1.8.3 *
GraphBLAS 9.3.1
KLU 2.3.5 *
LDL 3.3.2
LAGraph 1.1.4
SuiteSparse_Mongoose 3.3.4
ParU 1.0.0 *
RBio 4.3.4 *
SPEX 3.2.1
SPQR 4.3.4
UMFPACK 6.3.5 *
What's Changed
- Bump Jimver/cuda-toolkit from 0.2.16 to 0.2.18 by @dependabot in #874
- ParU 1.0.0 for SuiteSparse 7.8.3 by @DrTimothyAldenDavis in #868
- SuiteSparse 7.8.3 by @DrTimothyAldenDavis in #877
Full Changelog: v7.8.2...v7.8.3