Output files not reporting accurate High Frequency values #206
This is the first time I am analyzing USVs from rat pups. All of the animals we have recorded from emit two component USVs with distinct subtypes, which appear around 40 kHz and 80 kHz (see attached example image). The issue we are running into is that DeepSqueak only seems to recognize one component of the two-component signal (typically the lower frequency USV). When we export the data, the High Freq values only represent the max frequency of the lower component, not the higher component. When I move the contour box to only encompass one component of the USV, it displays the correct min and max frequency values. Is there any setting that can be changed to accurately report the Low and High frequency values?
Settings used:
Neural Network Selected: Rat Detector YOLO R1.mat
Low frequency cutoff: 18
High Frequency Cutoff: 120
Additional information:
I am running on Windows 10. Matlab version R2023a. Deepsqueak version 3.1.0