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Welcome to Dot Campus Blog

This blog shares knowledge, tips and experience regarding software development and tech in general. The blog is built with Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. GitHub Pages uses a software called “Jekyll”. Jekyll is what converts the markdown blog post files into nicely formatted HTML that you can view in the browser.

Contributing Blog Content

Blog posts are stored in the _posts folder in .md format. Preview the existing blog posts to get an idea of how to structure it.

  • Blog post files should always be named using this format:

  • A post written on August 24th, 2023, would be named Do not use future dates because the post won’t show up.

  • Posts are written in markdown.

  • You can create a blog post from your browser on GitHub.

That’s about all you need to know to get started.

Contributing to the HTML, CSS and JavaScript structure

To contribute to the codes as a developer you need to have Ruby and Jekyll setup on your machine.

  • Fork the repository
  • Install Ruby and Jekyll following the installation guide
  • Run bundle install at the root of the repository
  • Run bundle exec jekyll serve to start the development server
  • Open the local version of the blog on http://localhost:4000
  • Create a branch and implement your changes
  • Make a pull request. DO NOT push directly to main.