Python3 implementation of 2D Variational Mode Decomposition using NumPy
Written by: Dodge(Lang HE)
Updated date: 2024-12-13
VMD (Variational Mode Decomposition) is a signal processing tool that decomposes input signals into different band-limited IMFs (Intrinsic Mode Functions).
VMD_2D processes 2D signals (both dimensions should typically have the same length). This project VMD_2D_Python is an implementation based on the MATLAB version, providing spectrum-based decomposition of a 2D input signal into k band-separated modes.
- NumPy (required for core VMD2D function)
- OpenCV (optional, for image reading)
- Matplotlib (optional, for visualization)
In this project, a grayscale image is used for testing.
In, lines 34-35:
# Maximum number of iterations
N = 3000
While the original MATLAB code used a fixed value of 3000, our testing showed that the sample image does not converge at this value. However, setting N = 100 provides practically equivalent results for this particular image. Feel free to adjust the N value based on your needs.
For detailed information about Variational Mode Decomposition, please refer to the original paper:
K. Dragomiretskiy, D. Zosso, "Variational Mode Decomposition", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing
作者:Dodge 更新日期:2023-11-16
VMD(变分模态分解)是一种信号处理算法,可以将输入信号分解为不同带限的内禀模态函数(IMFs)。 VMD_2D意味着我们正在处理二维信号(通常两个维度应该长度相同)。项目是MATLAB中实现的模仿。基于频谱的二维输入信号分解为k个带分离模式。 本项目VMD_2D_Python是参考于其在MATLAB中的实现。基于频谱的二维输入信号分解为k个带分离模式。
- NumPy(核心VMD2D函数所需)
- OpenCV(可选,用于图像读取)
- Matplotlib(可选,用于可视化)
在 VMD2D.py第34-35行:
# Maximum number of iterations
N = 3000
在原始的Matlab代码中,N是固定值3000。然而在测试中,样本图片计算的误差没有收敛。发现对于这张图片,如果设置N = 100,实际效果几乎就收敛了。请用户更改N值测试效果。
K. Dragomiretskiy, D. Zosso, "Variational Mode Decomposition", IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing