Releases: DnCraptor/murmulator-os
v.0.3.3 Bug-fix (huge firmware)
v.0.3.2 combined firmware support (pico/pico2)
- combined firmware support (pico/pico2)
- faster reboot using holding 'Esc' key
v.0.3.1[.1] START+SELECT/F10 - return to last uf2
Press [F10] (DPAD [START]+[SELECT]) and hold on the Murmulator reset or power-on, in this case uf2 application will be repaired you will return to last saved on Flash.
- VGA - for fast start (by press F11/SELECT)
- hot-fix for mc
v.0.3.0 bug-fix (memory leak)
- bug-fix (memory leak)
v0.2.8 flash memory manager
- менеджер памяти для flash
- запуск программ с записью во флеш (Alt+Enter из mc)
- ускорение записи во флеш (для повторной прошивки того-же эмулятора)
- bug-fix
v.0.2.7 flash .uf2 apps reboot fixed
- flash .uf2 apps reboot fixed
- os_update
- mc support for os_update
v. basic and mc improvements
- basic Backspace support
- mc - multiselect copy/move/delete
- mc - multiselect colors
- mc '^' and 'v' marks like scroller exists
- mc handle HOME/END
- mc "Not a folder" cyclic issue is fixed
v.0.2.6 dhrystone / whetstone
- dhrystone / whetstone performance tests
- basic / mem - bug-fix
- mcedit - "save it?" prompt
v.0.2.5 ps+kill
v.0.2.5 API v.20
one more 4-bit mode for VGA (320*240)
cursor in mode 6 bug-fixed
font in gmode improvements
mode - show current mode info
sigkill support by Ctrl+C
basic with sigkill handler
utilities sigkill support
mc and cmd to be rady for EOF for case Ctrl+C
dir/ls support for Ctrl+C, color
ps - list of "processes" (FreeRTOS tasks)
basic - using M-OS console instead of VT52
basic bug-fix (millis), optimizations (debug)
basic - size/ram optimisation
basic with graphics support
basic - initial gpio support
mc - bug-fix (memory leak), usb detached handler
mc/mcview/mcedit size optimization
cmd - size optimization
cpu/mem - more stability, size optimization
mode - show current mode info
v.0.2.4 basic
- tiny basic
- mc ".wav" and ".bas" associations