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Django datatables and widgets, both AJAX and traditional. Display-only ModelForms. ModelForms / inline formsets with AJAX submit and validation. Works with Django templates.


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Documentation (in development):

  • Django 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 2.0 support. Python 3.4 / 3.5 / 3.6 support.

Please contribute to the localization of the project:

Localization contributors:

  • Dutch: Melvyn Sopacua
  • Polish: pawelkoston

Key features

  • AJAX based django.admin-like grids (paginated datatables) with sorting / filters and custom actions.

  • Supports existing Django templates (DTL).

  • Bootstrap 3 / Jinja2 / Knockout.js integration into Django projects.

  • No deep knowledge of Knockout.js is required: it has ready working components.

  • Dynamic adding / removing of inline formsets with Knockout.js, protected from XSS.

  • ForeignKeyGridWidget provides ForeignKeyRawIdWidget-like functionality to select ModelForm foreign key field value via AJAX query / response.

  • Django raw queries with filter() / exclude() / order() / values() / values_list() and SQL slicing support via FilteredRawQuerySet, suitable for usage in ListView / ListSortingView / KoGridView derived classes.

  • ListQuerySet to query Python lists.

  • Jinja2 templates can be integrated into existing Django templates via custom template library tag:

    {% extends 'base_min.html' %}
    {% load jinja %}
    {% load staticfiles %}
    {% block main %}
    {% jinja 'bs_list.htm' with _render_=1 view=view object_list=object_list is_paginated=is_paginated page_obj=page_obj %}
    {% endblock main %}


Templating languages are my favorite topic in programming. I love semantically organic way of HTML templating in Knockout.js that uses html5 "data-bind" JSON-like attributes instead of semantically alien double braces, which conflicts almost every server-side templating language out there (including DTL and Jinja2).

When developing with Django, I felt a lack of more powerful server-side templating when used built-in DTL templates. So I switched to Jinja2, thank to Django 1.8+ built-in support of this templating engine and to great project which simplifies Jinja2 integration.

So, basically in this project two great templating engines (client-side and server-side meet together. That allows to write complex dynamic HTML code with less effort, cleaner look and easily readable. Both also are very fast, Knockout.js templates being one of the fastest at client-side, while Jinja2 estimated to be faster few times than built-in DTL templates, and is more powerful.

When thinking of Angluar.js, not only I dislike curly braces in templates but also I believe that using such large framework for non-SPA applications is an overkill. And Django primary usage are non-SPA classical Web applications, which aren't "outdated" in any way - because such applications are much better indexable by web crawlers and Python is better language than Javascript in general and server-side has less glitches than browsers.

My personal feeling is that Django itself lacks a bit heavier support of client-side Javascript out-of-box. Knockout.js would be great inclusion for empty_form handling and in django.admin, considering it's small size.

AJAX form validation, AJAX viewmodels response routing and Knockout.js processing of formset.empty_form) are implemented via bundled client-side scripts.

Major changes (version 0.7.0)

Grids (datatables) now have new type of action 'pagination'. There are two built-in actions of this type implemented: 'rows_per_page' and 'switch_highlight'.

Grids (datatables) support compound columns for better utilization of the display space. That allows to display more data columns, including foreign relations at the screen.

Grids glyphicon actions are rendered in the single column of datatable, instead of each action per column for better utilization of the display space.

Static assets are moved to '/djk' subdirectory, minimizing the risk of conflicts with third party assets.

Updated to latest versions of Knockout.js / jQuery / Bootstrap 3 (should also work with not-too-old ones).

viewmodels AJAX response routing is rewritten as App.ViewModelRouter class with default instance App.vmRouter. It now supports binding viewmodel handlers to Javascript class instances methods.

Optional built-in Javascript error logger.

App.NestedList internally used by App.renderNestedList for greater flexibility of client-side Javascript nested lists rendering. App.NestedList now supports ordered maps via _.ODict instances.

Ajax forms submitting is refactored into App.AjaxForm class, while setting up the ajax forms is performed by App.AjaxForms, for better flexibility.

App.readyInstances introduced for global client-side IoC, available in custom user scripts as well.

Knockout.js method subscription / unsubscription is placed into App.ko.Subscriber mixin class. focus binding is implemented for Knockout.js.

Request mock-up when running without web server is greatly improved. That enables reverse resolving of FQN urls in console management commands and in background celery tasks via reverseq() calls when sites framework is correctly set up.

ast_eval templage tag.

Headless Chrome Selenium webdriver support (phantom.js is deprecated).

Major changes (version 0.6.0)

AJAX actions are rewritten as server-side ActionsView class and client-side counterpart App.Actions. It is now used as foundation for most of AJAX code, including grid datatables and new App.EditForm / App.EditInline client-side components.

New widget widgets.PrefillWidget to select pre-filled text from the list of supplied values.

Selective skipping of DisplayText field widget rendering.

Basic version of ViewmodelValidator for AJAX submitted forms.

Major changes (version 0.5.0)

Rewritten recursive underscore.js template processor, see underscore.js templates.

Displaying verbose field names in grid rows, grid row actions and in ForeignKeyGridWidget placeholder.

Clean-up of client-side components code.

Better support for grids that use RAW queries with LEFT JOIN, which may have multiple rows with the same pkVal === null.

Improvements in Selenium automation testing: better handling of automation commands, more of commands implemented, much larger test coverage.

  • Numerous bugfixes, including related field queries support in FilteredRawQuerySet.

Major changes (version 0.4.0)

Large improvements in Selenium testing support: additional commands are implemented, auto-retry on DOM timeout, fixtures loading / saving which allows to skip already debugged parts of tests, saving developer's time.

ContextMiddleware supports request mocking and request-time storage.

FilteredRawQuerySet supports Q expressions (Q objects) with relation mapping.

BaseFilterView / KoGridView - basic support for Q expressions (currently is used for None value of field filter), support for in query for choice filter value via the list of values.

Even better support of optional Django model get_str_fields() method in DisplayText widget and in Knockout.js grids.

Various bugfixes.

Minor changes (version 0.4.1)

Implemented multiple_choices: True option of the field filter type choices in ListSortingView. That allows to perform in field lookups for the selected field filter.

Large monolithic split into smaller parts with symbols exported via module for the convenience and compatibility.

Alternative breadcrumbs layout of field filters widgets.

Bugfixes and security fixes in query / views modules.

Major changes (version 0.3.0)

Auto-configuration of nested foreign key filter fields in KoGridView / ForeignKeyGridWidget.

FilteredRawQuerySet now supports more precise .count() method.

ListQuerySet supports significant part of Django queryset functionality for the lists of Django model instances, returned by prefetch_related().

Bootstrap tabs generation macro bs_tabs() with client-side support of switching tabs when window.location.hash value changes.

SendmailQueue functionality can be extended via injecting ioc class - for example to send email in the background via celery task.

Major changes (version 0.2.0)

$.inherit() Javascript prototype inheritance function now supports multi-level inheritance with nested .super calls without having to specify parent class prototype property implicitely in descendant class instances, with newly introduced $.SuperChain class.

"django.admin-like" AJAX functionality was implemented via KoGridView class-based view (CBV) at server-side with corresponding Knockout.js templates and Javascript classes at client-side. Besides providing standard CRUD actions and filters, it allows to implement arbitrary actions in descendant classes and quickly design django.admin-like user interfaces in non-admin views. AJAX calls also minimize server HTTP traffic, reducing network bandwitch and making the UI more responsive.

New ForeignKeyGridWidget was developed which provides ForeignKeyRawIdWidget-like functionality in non-admin ModelForm classes to select foreign key fields value via AJAX query / response.

Support of auto-instantiating Javascript classes with binding these to selected DOM nodes with 'component' css class via App.Components class.

Support of auto-compiling / auto-loading client-side underscore.js templates via App.compileTemplate / App.domTemplate / App.loadTemplates. One of usage examples is the possibility of loading modal body from underscore.js template in App.Dialog.

Support of client-side generation of view urls with kwargs for client-side url names via updated and client-side App.routeUrl() Javascript function.

tpl.resolve_cbv() allows to resolve view class via url name and it's kwargs.

Django templates (DTL) and Jinja2 templates now can be mixed using shared Jinja2 template code via {% load jinja %} template library jinja template tags, which performs include for Jinja2 template with current context:

{% extends 'base_min.html' %}
{% load jinja %}
{% load staticfiles %}

{% block main %}
{% jinja 'bs_list.htm' with _render_=1 view=view object_list=object_list is_paginated=is_paginated page_obj=page_obj %}
{% endblock main %}

Numerous bug fixes.


The full documentation is at

Quick notes:

Cookiecutter Tools Used in Making This Package

  • cookiecutter
  • cookiecutter-djangopackage