Key features overview
- Implements client-side helper classes for Twitter Bootstrap 3.
See viewmodels for detailed explanation.
- Separates AJAX calls from their callback processing, allowing to specify AJAX routes in button html5 data attributes without defining DOM event handler and implicit callback.
- Allows to write more modular Javascript code.
- Client-side view models can also be executed from Javascript code directly.
- Possibility to optionally inject client-side view models into html pages, executing these onload.
- Possibility to execute client-side viewmodels from current user session (persistent onload).
- App.vmRouter - predefined built-in AJAX response viewmodels router to perform standard client-side actions, such as displaying BootstrapDialogs, manipulate DOM content, graceful AJAX errors handling. It can be used to define new viewmodel handlers.
- mapping of Django server-side route urls to client-side Javascript.App.ajaxButton
- automation of button click event AJAX POST handling for Django.App.ajaxForm
- Django form AJAX POST submission with validation errors display via response client-side viewmodels. By default requires only anis_ajax=True
argument ofbs_form()
Jinja2 macros. The whole process of server-side to client-side validation errors mapping is performed byFormWithInlineFormsetsMixin.form_valid()
methods, defined indjango_jinja_knockout.views
. Also supports class-based viewget_success_url()
automatic client-side redirect on success. Supports multiple Django POST routes for the same AJAX form via multipleinput[type="submit"]
buttons in the generated form html body.App.Dialog
BootstrapDialog wrapper.App.get()
automate execution of AJAX POST handling for Django and allow to export named Django urls likeurl(name='my_url_name')
to be used in client-side code directly.- Client initialization performed separately from
initialization, because client initialization also may be used for dynamically added HTML DOM content (from AJAX response or via Knockout.js templates). For example, custom'formset:added'
jQuery event automatically supports client initialization (field classes / field event handlers) when new form is added to inline formset dynamically. $(document).ready()
event handler uses it's own hook system for plugins, to do not interfere with external scripts code.
Since version 0.7.0, there is App.readyInstances
variable which holds lazy definitions of global instances
initialized when browser document is loaded. It allows to re-define built-in global instances and to add custom
global instances in user scripts like this:
// Late initialization allows to patch / replace classes in user scripts.
App.readyInstances['App.userActions'] = {'App.Actions': {
route: 'user_actions',
actions: {
'send': {},
'receive_for_room': {},
'room_list': {},
'unread_count': {},
Underscore.js templates may be autoloaded as App.Dialog
modal body content. Also they are used in conjunction
with Knockout.js templates to generate components, for example AJAX grids (Django datatables).
Since version 0.5.0 template processor was rewritten as App.Tpl class. It made possible to extend or to replace
template processor class by altering App.globalIoc factory ['App.Tpl']
key. Such custom template processor class
could override one of (sub)templates loading methods expandTemplate()
or compileTemplate()
In the underscore.js template execution context, the instance of App.Tpl class is available as self
Thus calling App.Tpl class .get('varname')
method is performed as self.get('varname')
. See ko_grid_body()
templates for the example of self.get
method usage.
Internally template processor is used for optional client-side overriding of default grid templates, supported via
App.Tpl constructor options.templates
provides singleton factory for compiled underscore.js templates from<script>
tag with specified DOM idtplId
converts template with specified DOM id and template arguments into jQuery DOM subtee.App.Tpl.loadTemplates
recursively loads existing underscore.js templates by their DOM id into DOM nodes with html5data-template-id
attributes for specified$selector
- templates class factory used byApp.initClient
autoinitialization of DOM nodes.
The following html5 data attributes are used by App.Tpl template processor:
- destination DOM node which will be replaced by expanded underscore.js template with specified template id. Attribute can be applied
- optional override of default App.Tpl template processor class. Allows to process different underscore.js templates with different template processor
- optional values of current template processor instance.extendData()
method argument. This value will be appended
property of template processor instance. The values stored
property are used to control template execution flow viaself.get()
method calls in template source
- optionally disables appending
property of the parent template processor instance
property of current nested child template processor
- optional value of template processor class constructoroptions
argument, which may have the following
- used by App.Tpl class.get()
method to control template execution flow..templates
- key map of template ids to optionally substitute template names.
class allows to automatically instantiate Javascript classes by their string path specified in
element's data-component-class
html5 attribute and bind these to that element. It is used to provide Knockout.js
component auto-loading / auto-binding, but is not limited to that.
Since version 0.3.0, components can be also instantiated via target element event instead of document 'ready' event.
To enable that, define data-event
html5 attribute on target element. For example, to bind component classes to
button 'click' / 'hover':
<button class="component" data-event="click"
data-component-options='{"filterOptions": {"pageRoute": "club_member_grid"}}'>
Click to see project list
When target button is clicked, App.GridDialog
class will be instantiated with data-component-options
passed as constructor argument.
JSON string value of data-component-options
attribute can be nested object with many parameter values, so usually it
is generated in Jinja2 macro, such as ko_grid():
<div{{ tpl.json_flatatt(wrapper_dom_attrs) }} data-component-options='{{ _grid_options|escapejs(True) }}'>
<a name="{{ fragment_name }}"></a>
<div{{ tpl.json_flatatt(_template_dom_attrs) }}>
Version 0.3.0 also brings control over component binding and re-using. By default, current component instance is re-used when the same event is fired. To have component re-instantiated, one should save target element in component instance like this:
MyComponent.runComponent = function(elem) {
this.componentElement = elem;
// Run your initialization code here ...
Then in your component shutdown code call App.components
instance .unbind()
method, then .add()
MyComponent.onHide = function() {
// Run your shutdown code ...
// Detect component, so it will work without component instantiation too.
if (this.componentElement !== null) {
// Unbind component.
var desc = App.components.unbind(this.componentElement);
if (typeof desc.event !== 'undefined') {
// Re-bind component to the same element with the same event.
App.components.add(this.componentElement, desc.event);
See App.GridDialog code for the example of built-in component, which allows to fire AJAX grids via click events.
Because App.GridDialog
class constructor may have many options, including dynamically-generated ones, it's
preferable to generate data-component-options
JSON string value in Python / Jinja2 code.
Search for data-component-class in djk-sample code for the examples of both document ready and button click component binding.
Since version 0.7.0, there is Javascript class App.ko.Subscriber which may be used as mixin to Knockout.js viewmodels classes to control viewmodel methods subscriptions. To add mixin to your class:
$.inherit(App.ko.Subscriber.prototype, this);
In case there is observable property:
this.meta.rowsPerPage = ko.observable();
Which changes should be notified to viewmodel method:
Grid.on_meta_rowsPerPage = function(newValue) {
Then to subscribe that method to this.meta.rowsPerPage() changes:
this.subscribeToMethod(['meta', 'rowsPerPage']);
An example of temporary unsubscription / subscription to method, used to alter observable value without an observation:
Grid.listCallback = function(data) {
// ... skipped ...
// Temporarily disable meta.rowsPerPage() subscription.
this.disposeMethod(['meta', 'rowsPerPage']);
this.meta.prevRowsPerPage = this.meta.rowsPerPage();
// Re-enable meta.rowsPerPage() subscription.
this.subscribeToMethod(['meta', 'rowsPerPage']);
// ... skipped ...
Set of jQuery plugins.
- implementation of meta inheritance. Copies parent objectprototype
methods intoinstance
of pseudo-child. Supports nested multi-level inheritance with chains of_super
calls in Javascript via$.SuperChain
Multi-level inheritance should be specified in descendant to ancestor order.
For example to inherit from base class App.ClosablePopover, then from immediate ancestor class App.ButtonPopover, use the following Javascript code:
App.CustomPopover = function(options) {
// Immediate ancestor.
$.inherit(App.ButtonPopover.prototype, this);
// Base ancestor.
$.inherit(App.ClosablePopover.prototype, this);
(function(CustomPopover) {
CustomPopover.init = function(options) {
// Will call App.ButtonPopover.init(), with current 'this' context when such method is defined, or
// will call App.ClosablePopower.init(), with current 'this' context, otherwise.
// App.ButtonPopover.init() also will be able to call it's this._super._call('init', options);
// as inheritance chain.
this._super._call('init', options);
Real examples of inheritance are available in button-popover.js
class implementation and in
, including multi-level one:
ActionTemplateDialog.inherit = function() {
// First, import methods of direct ancestor.
$.inherit(App.ActionsMenuDialog.prototype, this);
// Second, import methods of base class that are missing in direct ancestor.
$.inherit(App.Dialog.prototype, this);
// Third, import just one method from ModelFormDialog (simple mixin).
this.getButtons = App.ModelFormDialog.prototype.getButtons;
plugin to automatically expand text lines of textarea elements;$.linkPreview
plugin to preview outer links in secured html5 iframes;$.scroller
plugin - AJAX driven infinite vertical scroller;
These jQuery plugins have corresponding Knockout.js bindings in app.js
, simplifying their usage in client-side
:<textarea data-bind="autogrow: {rows: 4}"></textarea>
:<div data-bind="html: text, linkPreview"></div>
:<div class="rows" data-bind="scroller: {top: 'loadPreviousRows', bottom: 'loadNextRows'}"></div>
- allow only some model instances to be deleted in django.admin.get_admin_url
- make readonly foreignkey field to be rendered as link to the target model admin change view.
Context processor adds many useful functions and classes into Jinja2 template context, allowing to write more powerful and more flexible Jinja2 templates.
- similar to jQuery$.addClass()
- similar to previous one but automatically uses 'class' key value of supplied dict by default, which is handy to use processed dictionary as argument of Djangoflatatt()
dict to be injected as JSON to HTML page, which is accessible then at client-side asApp.clientData
Javascript object, including optional JSON client-side viewmodels, executed when html page is loaded:<script language="JavaScript"> App.conf = {{ client_conf|escapejs(True) }}; App.clientData = {{ client_data|escapejs(True) }}; </script>
dict passed to be accessible at client-side (App.conf
Javascript object) with the following keys:
- current CSRF token to be used with AJAX POST from Javascript;'staticPath'
- root static url path to be used with AJAX requests from Javascript;'userId'
- current user id, 0 for anonymous; used both in Jinja2 templates to detect authorized users and from Javascript mostly with AJAX requests;
- Python tuple fromcontext_processors.TemplateContextProcessor.CLIENT_ROUTES
defines selected list of Django url routes mapped to Javascript object to be used with AJAX requests from Javascript (to do not have hard-coded app urls in Javascript code). Since version 0.2.0, also supports url names with kwargs.
class to easily generate contenttypes framework links in Jinja2 templates:{% set ctl = ContentTypeLinker(object, 'content_type', 'object_id') %} {% if ctl.url is not none %} <a href="{{ ctl.url }}" title="{{ str(ctl.obj_type) }}" target="_blank"> {% endif %} {{ ctl.description }} {% if ctl.url is not none %} </a> {% endif %}
allows to get verbose_name of Django model field, including related (foreign) and reverse related fields.- Django functions to format html content:
. - Possibility to raise exceptions in Jinja2 templates via
{{ raise('Error message') }}
takes url_name and kwargs and returns a function view or a class-based view for these arguments, when available:resolve_cbv(url_name, view_kwargs)
allows to build reverse urls with optional query string specified as Python dict:reverseq('my_url_name', kwargs={'project_id':}, query={'type': 'approved'})
for optional template variable dump (debug).- Context processor is inheritable which allows greater flexibility to implement your own custom features by overloading methods.
- Form with field classes stylized for Bootstrap 3. Since version 0.4.0 it also always hasrequest
attribute for convenience to be used inclean()
method and so on.DisplayModelMetaclass
- Metaclass used to create read-only "forms", to display models as html tables.WidgetInstancesMixin
- Provides model instances bound toModelForm
in field widgets. It helps to make customget_text_fn
callbacks forDisplayText
form widgets .set_knockout_template
- Monkey-patching methods for formset to support knockout.js version ofempty_form
. Allows to dynamically add / remove new forms to inline formsets, including third-party custom fields with inline Javascript (such as AJAX populated html selects, rich text edit fields).FormWithInlineFormsets
- Layer on top of related form and it's many to one multiple formsets. GET / CREATE / UPDATE. Works both in function views and in class-based views (CBVs).SeparateInitialFormMixin
- Mixed toBaseInlineFormset
to use different form classes for already existing model objects and for newly added ones (empty_form). May be used withDisplayModelMetaclass
to display existing forms as read-only, while making newly added ones editable.CustomFullClean
mixins for Django forms.
Implements optional djk_seed
Django management command which may be used to seed initial data into managed models
database tables after the migrations are complete. To enable model data seed after the migration, define seed
of the model like this:
class Specialization(models.Model):
('Administrator', False),
('Manager', True),
('Contractor', True),
def seed(cls, recreate=False):
if recreate or cls.objects.count() == 0:
# Setup default list (only once).
for name, is_anon in cls.BUILTIN_SPECIALIZATIONS:
cls.objects.update_or_create(name=name, defaults={
'is_builtin': True,
'is_anon': is_anon
then add app which has Specialization
model into settings.DJK_APPS list. See :doc:`installation` for more info
about DJK_APPS
After that run the console command:
./ djk_seed
management command has --help
option which describes possible use cases. For example it may create
models content types for the selected Django apps, not running any post-migration seed:
./ djk_seed --create-content-types --skip-seeds
This is often an pre-requisite to have contenttypes framework running correctly.
Get currently used middleware class:
from django_jinja_knockout.apps import DjkAppConfig
ContextMiddleware = DjkAppConfig.get_context_middleware()
- Middleware is extendable (inheritable), which allows to implement your own features via overloaded methods. That's why
is used to resolveContextMiddleware
class instead of direct import. Such way extendedContextMiddleware
class specified viasettings.DJK_MIDDLEWARE
will be used instead of original version. - Direct import from
or frommy_project.middleware
is possible but is not encouraged as wrong version of middleware may be used.
Access to current HTTP request instance anywhere in form / formset / field widget code:
request = ContextMiddleware.get_request()
- Real HTTP request instance will be loaded when running as web server.
- Fake request will be created when running in console (for example in the management commands). Fake request HTTP GET /
POST arguments can be initialized via
method, before calling.get_request()
Support optional client-side viewmodels injection from current user session.
Automatic timezone detection and activation from browser (which should be faster than using maxmind geoip database). Also since version 0.3.0 it's possible to get timezone name string from current browser http request to use in the application (for example to pass it to celery task):
Views are secured with urls that deny access to anonymous / inactive users by default. Anonymous views require explicit
permission defined as url()
extra kwargs per each view in
from my_app.views import signup
# ...
url(r'^signup/$', signup, name='signup', kwargs={'allow_anonymous': True})
Optional checks for AJAX requests and / or specific Django permission:
from my_app.views import check_project
# ...
url(r'^check-project/$', check_project, name='check_project', kwargs={
'ajax': True, 'permission_required': 'my_app.project_can_add'
View title is optionally defined as url kwargs 'view_title'
key value:
from my_app.views import signup
# ...
url(r'^signup/$', signup, name='signup', kwargs={'view_title': 'Sign me up', 'allow_anonymous': True})
to be used in generic Jinja2 templates (one template per many views):
{{ request.view_title }}
View kwargs are stored into request.view_kwargs
to make these accessible in forms / templates when needed.
Since version 0.7.0 it is possivble to mock-up requests in console mode (management commands) to resolve reverse URLs fully qualified names like this:
from django_jinja_knockout.apps import DjkAppConfig
request = DjkAppConfig.get_context_middleware().get_request()
from django_jinja_knockout.tpl import reverseq
# Will return fully-qualified URL for the specified route with query string appended:
reverseq('profile_detail', kwargs={'profile_id': 1}, request=request, query={'users': [1,2,3]})
By default domain name is taken from current configured Django site. Otherwise either settings
or settings
should be set to autodetect current domain name.
Since version 0.7.0 inherited middleware classes (see :ref:`installation_djk_middleware` settings) support built-in mini router, which could be used to implement CBV-like logic in middleware class itself, either via string match or via regexp:
class ContextMiddleware(RouterMiddleware):
routes_str = {
'/-djk-js-error-/': 'log_js_error',
routes_re = [
# (r'^/-djk-js-(?P<action>/?\w*)-/', 'log_js_error'),
def log_js_error(self):
from .log import send_admin_mail_delay
vms = vm_list()
# ... skipped ...
return JsonResponse(vms)
class to simplify generation of contenttypes framework object links.get_users_with_permission()
- return the queryset of all users who have specified permission string, including all three possible sources of such users (user permissions, group permissions and superusers).Next functions allow to use parts of queryset functionality on single Django model object instances:
support quering of related field properties from supplied model instance via specified string with double underscore-separated names, just like in Django querysets.model_values()
- get the dict of model fields name / value pairs like querysetvalues()
for one model instance supplied.
- get meta property of Django model field by query string, including related (foreign) and reverse-related fields:get_verbose_name(profile, 'user__username') get_meta(profile, 'verbose_name_plural', 'user__username')
- Similar to Django model built-in magic method get_FOO_display() but does not require to have instance of particular Django model object. For example:class Member(models.Model): # ... skipped ... role = models.IntegerField(choices=ROLES, default=ROLE_MEMBER, verbose_name='Member role') from .models import Member from django_jinja_knockout.models import get_choice_str # ... skipped ... role_str = sdv.get_choice_str(Member.ROLES, role_val)
- checks whether Diango file field object exists in the filesystem.
inherits Django RawQuerySet
class whose instances are returned by Django model object manager
It supports .filter()
/ .exclude()
/ .order_by()
/ values()
/ values_list()
queryset methods and also SQL-level slicing which is much more efficient than Python slicing of RawQuerySet
These methods are used by filtering / ordering code in ListSortingView
and KoGridView
class-based views.
See FilteredRawQuerySet sample in djk-sample
project source code for a complete example of AJAX grid with
raw query which has LEFT JOIN
Since version 0.4.0 it supports args with Q objects.
implements large part of Django queryset functionality for Python lists of Django model instances.
Such lists are returned by Django queryset .prefetch_related()
This allows to have the same logic of processing queries with both .prefetch_related()
applied results and without
them. For example, imagine one have two querysets:
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Prefetch
from django_jinja_knockout.query import ListQuerySet
def process_related():
qs1 = Project.objects.all()[:10]
qs2 = Project.objects.all()[:10].prefetch_related(
(obj.process_members() for obj in qs1)
(obj.process_members() for obj in qs2)
class Project(models.Model):
# ... skipped ...
def process_members(self):
# Detect Prefetch().
if hasattr(self, 'projectmember_list'):
qs = ListQuerySet(self.projectmember_list)
qs = self.projectmember_set
# ... Do .filter() / .order_by() / slice operation with qs
qs_subset = qs.filter(is_approved=False)
# ... Do some more operations with qs_subset or it's members.
for obj in qs_subset:
class ProjectMember(models.Model):
project = models.ForeignKey(Project, verbose_name='Project')
is_approved = models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name='Approved member')
# ... skipped ...
def approve(self):
self.is_approved = True
Version 0.3.0 implements .filter()
/ .exclude()
/ slicing / .order_by()
/ .first()
/ .values()
methods. Many but not all of the field lookups are supported. Feel free to submit a pull request
if you need more functionality.
Various formatting functions, primarily to be used in django.admin
classes readonly_fields
Jinja2 templates and DisplayText
- cut string after specified length.repeat_insert()
- separate string every nth character with specified separator characters.print_list()
- print nested HTML list. Used to format HTML in JSON responses and in customDisplayText
- print uniform 2D table (no colspan / rowspan yet).print_bs_labels()
- print HTML list as Boostrap 3 labels.reverseq()
- construct url with query parameters from url name. Since version 0.4.0, when request instance is supplied, absolute url will be returned.- Manipulation with css classes:
- similar to client-sidejQuery.addClass()
- similar to client-sidejQuery.removeClass()
- optimized for usage as argument ofdjango.forms.utils
- optimized for usage as argument ofdjango.forms.utils
- convert HTML fragment with anchor links into plain text with text links. It's used in utils/mail.pySendmailQueue
to convert HTML body of email message to text-only body.format_local_date()
- output localizedDate
- Django models could define get_str_fields() method which maps model instance field values to their formatted string values, similar toModel
method, but for each or to some selected separate fields.If these models have foreign keys pointing to another models which also have get_str_fields() defined,
can be used to convert nested dict get_str_fields() values to flat strings in__str__()
method:class Member(models.Model): # ... skipped ... def get_str_fields(self): parts = OrderedDict([ ('profile', self.profile.get_str_fields()), ('club',, ('last_visit', format_local_date(timezone.localtime(self.last_visit))), ('plays', self.get_plays_display()), ('role', self.get_role_display()), ('is_endorsed', 'endorsed' if self.is_endorsed else 'unofficial') ]) return parts def __str__(self): # Will flatten 'profile' and 'club' str_fields dict keys values # and convert the whole str_fields dict values into str. str_fields = self.get_str_fields() return str_dict(str_fields)
Internally str_dict()
uses lower level flatten_dict()
function which is defined in the same source file.
Server-side Python functions and classes to manipulate lists of client-side viewmodels. Mostly are used with AJAX JSON
responses and in app.js
client-side response routing.
- authorization required response with redirect to login. Supports next' url query argument. Supports JSON viewmodel response.error_response()
- wrappers arounddjango.http.HttpResponseBadRequest
to allow JSON viewmodel response in AJAX requests in case of error / exception occured.cbv_decorator()
- may be used to check class-based views permissions.prepare_bs_navs()
- used to highlight current url in Bootstrap 3 navbars.BsTabsMixin
- automatic template context processor for CBV's, which usesprepare_bs_navs()
function andbs_navs()
jinja2 macro to navigate through the navbar list of visually grouped Django view links.FoldingPaginationMixin
mixin that enables advanced pagination inbs_pagination()
Jinja2 macros.FormWithInlineFormsetsMixin
- CBV mixin with built-in support ofdjango_jinja_knockout.forms
. There is oneModelForm
and one or many relatedBaseInlineFormset
also is optional (can beNone
). Also supports client-side addition and removal of inline forms via Knockout.js custom bindings. HTML rendering usually is performed with Bootstrap 3 Jinja2bs_inline_formsets()
- CBV view to create new models with one to many related models.InlineDetailView
- CBV view to display or to update models with one to many related models. Suitable both for CREATE and for VIEW actions, last case viaModelForm
with built-in support of sorting and field filtering:from django_jinja_knockout.views import ListSortingView from .models import Club class ClubList(ListSortingView): model = Club allowed_sort_orders = '__all__' allowed_filter_fields = { # None value will autodetect field filter choices, when possible. 'category': None, } grid_fields = [ 'title', 'category', 'foundation_date', ]
- allows to inject pre-defined dict ofextra_context_data
into template context of class-based view.KoGridView
- together withko_grid.js
allows to create AJAX powered django.admin-like grids with filtering, sorting, search, CRUD actions and custom actions. See grids documentation for more details.
- A two-componentMultiField
: a checkbox that indicates optional value and a field itself (widget_class
by default). The field itself is enabled / disabled accrording to the checkbox state via client-side $.optionalInput plugin, implemented in plugins.js:from django_jinja_knockout.widgets import OptionalWidget OptionalWidget(attrs={'class': 'autogrow vLargeTextField', 'cols': 40, 'rows': 2})
- Read-only widget for existingModelForm
bound objects. Assign toModelForm.widgets
or toModelForm.fields.widget
to make selected form fields displayed as read-only text.Use
to set all field widgets of form asDisplayText
, making the whole form read-only.In last case the form will have special table rendering in Jinja2 bs_field() macro.
Widget allows to specify custom formatting callback to display complex fields, including foreign relationships, pre-defined string mapping for scalar
and layout override for bs_form() / bs_inline_formsets() Jinja2 macros. Note that it's possible to call these macros from Django language templates like this:{% jinja 'bs_form.htm' with _render_=1 form=form action=view_action opts=opts %}
widget customization of widget html output viaget_text_method()
see DisplayText sample.PrefillWidget
- Django form input field which supports both free text and quick filling of input text value from the list of prefilled choices. Since version 0.6.0, ListQuerySet hasprefill_choices()
method, which allows to generate choices lsists forPrefillWidget
initial values like this:from django_jinja_knockout.widgets import PrefillWidget from django_jinja_knockout.query import ListQuerySet # ... self.related_members_qs = ListQuerySet( Member.objects.filter( club__id=self.request.view_kwargs.get('club_id', None) ) ) if self.related_members_qs.count() > 1 and isinstance(form, MemberForm): # Replace standard Django CharField widget to PrefillWidget with incorporated standard field widget: form.fields['note'].widget = PrefillWidget( data_widget=form.fields['note'].widget, choices=self.related_members_qs.prefill_choices('note') ) # Replace one more field widget to PrefillWidget: form.fields['name'].widget = PrefillWidget( data_widget=form.fields['name'].widget, choices=self.related_members_qs.prefill_choices('name') )
See djk-sample
project for the sample of PrefillWidget usage with inline formsets. It is also simpler to use the
widget in single ModelForm without inline formsets.
class SendmailQueue
, which instance is available globally as EmailQueue
, allows to send multiple HTML
emails with attachments. In case sendmail error is occured, error message can be converted to form non-field errors with
named argument of .flush()
method (works with AJAX and non-AJAX forms):
from django_jinja_knockout.utils.mail import EmailQueue
subject='Thank you for registration at our site!',
When there is no form submitted or it's undesirable to add form's non-field error, request
named argument of
may be supplied instead. It also works with both AJAX and non-AJAX views. AJAX views would use client-side
viewmodels, displaying error messages in BootstrapDialog window. Non-AJAX views would use Django messaging framework
to display sendmail errors:
from django_jinja_knockout.utils.mail import EmailQueue
subject='Thank you for registration at our site!',
Since version 0.3.0, SendmailQueue
class functionality could be extended by injecting ioc class. It allows to use
database backend or non-SQL store to process emails in background, for example as Celery task. SendmailQueue
class .add()
and .flush()
methods could be overriden in self.ioc
and new methods can be added as well.
function can be used to monkey patch Django exception BaseHandler
to use
to send the uncaught exception reports to selected email addresses.
Here is the example of extending EmailQueue
instance of SendmailQueue
via custom ioc class (EmailQueueIoc
and monkey patching Django exception BaseHandler
. This code should be placed in the project's
class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'my_app'
verbose_name = "Verbose name of my application"
def ready(self):
from django_jinja_knockout.utils.mail import EmailQueue
# EmailQueueIoc should have custom .add() and / or .flush() methods implemented.
# Original .add() / .flush() methods may be called via ._add() / ._flush().
from my_app.tasks import EmailQueueIoc
# Save uncaught exception handler.
BaseHandler.original_handle_uncaught_exception = BaseHandler.handle_uncaught_exception
# Override uncaught exception handler.
BaseHandler.handle_uncaught_exception = uncaught_exception_email
BaseHandler.developers_emails = ['']
BaseHandler.uncaught_exception_subject = 'Django exception stack trace for my project'
class EmailQueueIoc:
def __init__(self, email_queue):
self.queue = email_queue
self.instances = []
# Maximum count of messages to send in one batch.
self.batch_limit = 10
self.max_total_errors = 3
def add(self, **kwargs):
# Insert your code here.
# Call original _add():
return self.queue._add(**kwargs)
def flush(self, **kwargs):
# Insert your code here.
# Call original _flush():
return self.queue._flush(**kwargs)
def celery_task():
# Insert your code here.
def email_send_batch():
Contains helper functions internally used by django-jinja-knockout. Some of these might be useful in Django project modules.
- dumps value
into text log file 'sdv_out.py3' under name
label. To setup log file path overwrite
value in Django project
like that:
import os
from django_jinja_knockout.utils import sdv
# create log file inside active virtualenv path
sdv.LOGPATH = [os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV'], 'djk-sample', 'logs']
Then one may use it to log variables in Python code:
from django_jinja_knockout.utils import sdv
class Project(models.Model):
# ... skipped ...
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# ... skipped ...
When method will be executed, 'sdv_out.py3' log file will contain lines like this:
# /home/user/work/djk_sample/djk-sample/club-app/
Where 9
is the value of