This plugin allows you to use cheat sheet ( inside the vim.
use {"Djancyp/cheat-sheet"}
Optionally, you can also pass some configuration to the plugin, here's the default value:
auto_fill = {
filetype = true,
current_word = true,
main_win = {
style = "minimal",
border = "double",
input_win = {
style = "minimal",
border = "double",
: automatically add filetype prefix to search query (ex:lua/
: automatically add the current word under your cursor to search query
: main window style (see::h nvim_open_win()
: main window border (see::h nvim_open_win()
: input window style (see::h nvim_open_win()
: input window border (see::h nvim_open_win()
This will open an input window and base on your filetype it will highlight the first part of search. When your query ready just hit the enter.
For more information please visit the cheat sheet website - (
| Key | Action |
| -------------- | ------------------------------- |
| q | exit cheat sheet window |
| <C-c> | exit input window (input mode) |
| <C-d> | remove text (input mode) |
| `<CR>`(Enter) | activate the search |
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.