Sputnik app testnet binary repo https://github.com/Distributed-Validators-Synctems/sputnik-app-chain-practice
commit: d3ed2906478c1558e4be1a2e0f98305f7be46832
cosmos_sdk_version: v0.47.13-ics-lsm
go: go version go1.21.9 linux/amd64
name: sputnik
server_name: sputnik
version: main-d3ed2906478c1558e4be1a2e0f98305f7be46832
sputnikd init "<moniker-name>" --chain-id <current course chain id>
# To create new keypair - make sure you save the mnemonics!
sputnikd keys add <key-name>
# Restore existing odin wallet with mnemonic seed phrase.
# You will be prompted to enter mnemonic seed.
sputnikd keys add <key-name> --recover
# Add keys using ledger
sputnikd keys show <key-name> --ledger
Check your key:
# Query the keystore for your public address
sputnikd keys show <key-name> -a
sputnikd add-genesis-account <key-name> 10000000usputnik
# Create the gentx.
# Note, your gentx will be rejected if you use any amount greater than 10000000usputnik.
sputnikd genesis gentx <key-name> 10000000usputnik --chain-id <current course chain id>