This repository is a fork of automata-network/sgx-scaffold, a Rust-based template for developing Intel SGX enclaves. This fork leverages the Intel SGX SDK to implement the zkTLS enclave, which provides privacy-preserving TLS connections.
zktls-enclave ├── bin/zktls-pairs/ # Main application │ ├── # Build script for the application │ ├── Cargo.toml # Application configuration │ ├── sgx/ # SGX enclave configurations and definitions │ │ ├── config.xml # Enclave configuration parameters │ │ ├── enclave.edl # Enclave Definition Language file │ │ ├── # Linker script for the enclave │ │ └── private.pem # Developer key (do not use in production) │ └── src/ # Application entrypoint ├── crates/enclave/ # SGX enclave implementation │ ├── Cargo.toml # Enclave crate configuration │ └── src/ │ ├── # Main library file for the enclave │ ├── # Error types and result alias │ ├── # JSON parser for server responses │ ├── # Untrusted TCP stream wrapper │ └── # TLS connection implementation ├── crates/untrusted-host/ # Mock library for OCALL implementations │ ├── Cargo.toml │ └── src/ ├── docker/ # Docker configurations for Ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04 ├── assets/ # Logo and other assets ├── Cargo.toml # Workspace configuration ├── Cargo.lock └── # This file
- SGX-Supported Machine: A machine with SGX support is required.
- SGX and DCAP SDK: Ensure you have the Intel SGX SDK and DCAP SDK installed. Refer to the Automata SGX SDK repository for the latest supported versions.
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd zktls-enclave
:cargo install cargo-sgx
To see all available commands, run:
cargo sgx --help
Generate a New Signing Key:
cargo sgx gen-key bin/zktls-pairs/sgx/private.pem
Set the SGX SDK Environment Variable: (Update the path if you installed the SGX SDK elsewhere)
export SGX_SDK=/opt/intel/sgxsdk
Build the Enclave:
cargo sgx build
Or run the enclave directly:
cargo sgx run
The executable will be located in
If you do not have SGX hardware or prefer to run the enclave as a normal Rust application, disable SGX-specific features:
cargo sgx run --std
When you run the application (e.g., using cargo sgx run), the following steps occur:
- File I/O: Reads a list of currency pairs from pairs/list.txt.
- TLS Communication: Connects to Binance’s API via a privacy-preserving TLS request.
- Data Processing: Parses the API response, filters for specified currency pairs, and outputs details like pair name, price, and timestamp.
- Cryptographic Hashing & Attestation: Generates individual hashes for each data component, combines them, and produces a final attestation report using Intel SGX DCAP.
- File Outputs: Writes outputs to files (e.g., pairs.bin, prices.bin, timestamps.bin, sgx_quote.bin).
For any questions, discussions, or contributions, join our Telegram Channel. We're active there and ready to help!