Tags: Dietmar-Franken/home-assistant
Merge pull request home-assistant#1807 from balloob/release-0.17.3 0.17.3
Merge pull request home-assistant#1778 from balloob/hotfix/0.17.2 Hotfix/0.17.2
0.17.1 (home-assistant#1771) * We need to allow extra keys on top level componenet config fixes home-assistant#1756 * Add comment about location of hass (fixes home-assistant#1723) * Fix for MQTT config validation on the protocol field. (home-assistant#1765) * Update frontend with weblink fix * Fix for light service validation. (home-assistant#1770) Incorrect validation tested if passed value was a list instead of a member of the list. * Accept group without entities in configuration. (home-assistant#1768) * Accept group without entities in configuration. People seem to use these as placeholders for future expansion of their home automation dreams, and we used to accept them. We still have to specify at least one of 'name', 'view' or 'icon' so that the group is parsed as a dictionary. * Also accept empty entities: key in a group. * Additional fix for empty entities value in a group config. * Version bump to 0.17.1
Merge pull request home-assistant#1634 from balloob/hotfix/revert-pyi… …cloud 0.16.1: Revert pyicloud upgrade
Merge pull request home-assistant#1446 from balloob/hotfix/0.14.2 Hotfix/0.14.2