- Hyderabad, India
- www.linkedin.com/in/deveshkumarsahu
BaseCode Public
Forked from ferhanakkan/BaseCodeBase code for every app which include service , UI elements and extensions
Swift UpdatedSep 12, 2020 -
xcode-project-renamer Public
Forked from tadija/xcode-project-renamerSwift script for renaming Xcode project
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 6, 2020 -
ScalingCarousel Public
Forked from aataraxiaa/ScalingCarouselA super simple carousel view with scaling transitions written in Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedOct 30, 2019 -
tink Public
Forked from tink-crypto/tinkTink is a multi-language, cross-platform, open source library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and hard(er) to misuse.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 12, 2019 -
Siren Public
Forked from ArtSabintsev/SirenNotify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
Swift MIT License UpdatedSep 18, 2019 -
Swift-30-Projects Public
Forked from soapyigu/Swift-30-Projects30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
Swift Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 29, 2019 -
Cartography Public
Forked from robb/CartographyA declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift 📱📐
Swift Other UpdatedAug 6, 2019 -
TagListView Public
Forked from ElaWorkshop/TagListViewSimple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift.
Swift MIT License UpdatedJun 15, 2019 -
Result Public
Forked from antitypical/ResultSwift type modelling the success/failure of arbitrary operations.
Swift MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2019 -
CardParts Public
Forked from intuit/CardPartsA reactive, card-based UI framework built on UIKit for iOS developers.
Swift Other UpdatedMay 23, 2019 -
Pulley Public
Forked from 52inc/PulleyA library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.
Swift MIT License UpdatedMay 8, 2019 -
FloatingPanel Public
Forked from scenee/FloatingPanelA clean and easy-to-use floating panel UI component for iOS
Swift MIT License UpdatedMay 4, 2019 -
ADOverlayContainer Public
Forked from applidium/OverlayContainerNon-intrusive iOS UI library to implement overlay based interfaces
Swift Other UpdatedMay 3, 2019 -
FittedSheets Public
Forked from gordontucker/FittedSheetsBottom sheets for iOS
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 29, 2019 -
PullUpController Public
Forked from MarioIannotta/PullUpControllerPull up controller with multiple sticky points like in iOS Maps
Swift MIT License UpdatedApr 3, 2019 -
GrowingCellTextView Public
Forked from swiftdevcenter/GrowingCellTextViewAuto growing UITextView in UITableViewCell based on content
Swift MIT License UpdatedMar 19, 2019 -
swifter-1 Public
Forked from httpswift/swifterTiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
Swift BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 14, 2019 -
awesome-iOS-resource Public
Forked from cc-crack/awesome-iOS-resource📱 A curated list of awesome iOS resources, including conferences, books, blogs, articles, websites and documentations
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 22, 2019 -
AttributedTextView Public
Forked from evermeer/AttributedTextViewEasiest way to create an attributed UITextView (with support for multiple links and from html)
Swift Other UpdatedFeb 22, 2019 -
R.swift Public
Forked from mac-cain13/R.swiftGet strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
Swift MIT License UpdatedJan 29, 2019 -
XCoordinator Public
Forked from QuickBirdEng/XCoordinator🎌 Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern
Swift MIT License UpdatedJan 12, 2019 -
SearchTextField Public
Forked from apasccon/SearchTextFieldUITextField subclass with autocompletion suggestions list
Swift MIT License UpdatedDec 29, 2018 -
Locksmith Public
Forked from matthewpalmer/LocksmithA powerful, protocol-oriented library for working with the keychain in Swift.
Swift MIT License UpdatedDec 17, 2018 -
ios-twitter-image-pipeline Public
Forked from twitter/ios-twitter-image-pipelineTwitter Image Pipeline is a robust and performant image loading and caching framework for iOS clients
Objective-C Other UpdatedDec 6, 2018 -
UBottomSheet Public
Forked from OfTheWolf/UBottomSheetiPhone Maps App bottom sheet (Swift 4)
Swift UpdatedDec 1, 2018