v1.0.0 (2019-2-7)
Breaking Changes
💥 Test Syntax Validation Disabled: All Input Files Are Executed
Previous versions performed test syntax validation within input script files before executing them. Only files that contained the fixture and test directives were executed.
Starting with v1.0.0, input script files are never validated. This means that TestCafe executes all the scripts you specify as test sources. If you use Glob patterns to specify input test files, please recheck these patterns to avoid unintended file matches.
The --disable-test-syntax-validation
command line flag and the disableTestSyntaxValidation
option for the runner.run API method that disabled test syntax validation were removed in v1.0.0.
What Has Improved
You can now load tests dynamically without additional customization. The following example illustrates how tests can be imported from an external library.
export default function runFixture(name, url) {
test(`${url} test`, async t => {
// ...
import runFixture from './external-lib';
const fixtureName = 'My fixture';
const url = 'https://testPage';
runFixture(fixtureName, url);
💥 Programming Interface: Multiple Method Calls Prohibited
Previous versions allowed you to call the runner.src, runner.browsers and runner.reporter methods several times to specify multiple test files, browsers or reporters.
const stream = fs.createWriteStream('report.json');
.reporter('json', stream);
Starting with v1.0.0, pass arrays to these methods to specify multiple values.
To use a reporter that writes to a file, add a { name, output }
object to an array (see the runner.reporter description for details).
.src(['/home/user/tests/fixture1.js', 'fixture5.js'])
.browsers(['chrome', 'firefox:headless'])
.reporter(['minimal', { name: 'json', output: 'report.json' }]);
What Has Improved
This change was necessary to implement the configuration file in a way that is consistent with the API and command line interface.
💥 Custom Request Hooks: Asynchronous API
Request hook methods became asynchronous in TestCafe v1.0.0.
If the onRequest or onResponse method in your custom hook returns a Promise, TestCafe now waits for this Promise to resolve.
This does not necessarily leads to unexpected behavior, but still be aware of possible side effects.
Since the onRequest and onResponse methods are now asynchronous, add the async
keyword to their declarations.
import { RequestHook } from 'testcafe';
class MyRequestHook extends RequestHook {
constructor (requestFilterRules, responseEventConfigureOpts) {
super(requestFilterRules, responseEventConfigureOpts);
// ...
async onRequest (event) {
// ...
async onResponse (event) {
// ...
What Has Improved
You can call asynchronous fs functions, invoke a child_process, or perform asynchronous network requests (to a database or any other server) from inside the hooks.
💥 Custom Reporter Plugins: Asynchronous API
TestCafe v1.0.0 also introduces asynchronous API for reporter plugins.
Similarly to request hooks, if any of the custom reporter's methods (reportTaskStart, reportFixtureStart, reportTestDone or reportTaskDone) returns a Promise, this Promise is now awaited.
Side effects may show up in certain cases.
Since the reporter methods are now asynchronous, add the async
keyword to their declarations.
async reportTaskStart (startTime, userAgents, testCount) {
// ...
async reportFixtureStart (name, path, meta) {
// ...
async reportTestDone (name, testRunInfo, meta) {
// ...
async reportTaskDone (endTime, passed, warnings, result) {
// ...
What Has Improved
Reporters can call asynchronous fs functions, invoke a child_process, or perform asynchronous network requests (to send an email, use REST API, connect to a database, etc).
⚙️ Video Recording (#2151)
You can now record videos of test runs in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. To enable video recording, install the FFmpeg library and then do one of the following:
specify the --video command line flag,
testcafe chrome test.js --video artifacts/videos/
call the runner.video API method,
specify the videoPath configuration file property (configuration file is also a new feature, see below).
{ "videoPath": "artifacts/videos/" }
TestCafe records all tests and saves each recording in a separate file. You can change this behavior in video options. You can also customize video encoding parameters.
⚙️ Configuration File (#3131)
TestCafe now allows you to store its settings in the .testcaferc.json
configuration file (with support for JSON5 syntax).
"browsers": "chrome",
"src": ["/home/user/auth-tests/fixture-1.js", "/home/user/mobile-tests/"],
"reporter": {
"name": "xunit",
"output": "reports/report.xml"
"screenshotPath": "/home/user/tests/screenshots/",
"takeScreenshotsOnFails": true,
"videoPath": "/home/user/tests/videos/",
"pageLoadTimeout": 1000,
"hostname": "host.mycorp.com"
// and more
Keep the configuration file in the project's root directory from which you run TestCafe.
Settings you specify when you launch tests from the command line and programming interfaces override settings from .testcaferc.json
See Configuration File for more information.
⚙️ Live Mode (#3215)
We have integrated the testcafe-live module into our main code so you can now use the new live mode.
Live mode keeps the TestCafe process and browsers opened the whole time you are working on tests. Changes you make in code immediately restart the tests. That is, live mode allows you to see test results instantly. See How Live Mode Works.
Use the -L (--live) flag to enable live mode from the command line interface.
testcafe chrome tests/test.js -L
In the API, create a live mode runner with the testcafe.createLiveModeRunner function and use it instead of a regular test runner.
const createTestCafe = require('testcafe');
let testcafe = null;
createTestCafe('localhost', 1337, 1338)
.then(tc => {
testcafe = tc;
const liveRunner = testcafe.createLiveModeRunner();
return liveRunner
.then(() => {
⚙️ Custom Reporter API Enhancements (Part of #2753; Pull Request)
You can now access warnings that appeared during the test run from the reportTestDone method. Use the
property of the testRunInfo object.async reportTestDone (name, testRunInfo, meta) { const warnings = testRunInfo.warnings; const hasWarnings = !!warnings.length; if(hasWarnings) { this.newline() .write('Warnings:'); warnings.forEach(warning => { this.newline() .write(warning); }); } }
The reportTaskDone method now receives the result parameter that contains information about the number of passed, failed, and skipped tests.
async reportTaskDone (endTime, passed, warnings, result) { this.write(`Testing finished!`) .newline() .write(`Passed: ${result.passedCount}`) .newline() .write(`Failed: ${result.failedCount}`) .newline(); .write(`Skipped: ${result.skippedCount}`) .newline(); }
⚙️ Typings for Programming Interface (#3341) by @infctr
TestCafe programming interface now features TypeScript typings.
⚙️ Programming Interface: Simpler API to Write Reports to a File
You no longer need to use fs.createWriteStream
to create a stream that writes a report to a file. You can now pass the file name as the runner.reporter parameter.
runnner.reporter('json', 'reports/report.json');
Bug Fixes
- The test runner no longer hangs when a custom reporter implementation uses synchronous callbacks (#3209)
- Fixture hooks for two adjacent fixtures are now executed in the correct order (#3298)
- Iframes no longer throw an error after a
call in IE and Edge (#3343) - TestCafe no longer triggers a click event when you disable a button with a
element inside (#2902) - Fixed a bug that led to errors in certain cases (#3189)
- We have improved the status panel design and adaptivity (#3073)
- Redirects through several pages in iframes now work correctly (testcafe-hammerhead/#1825)
- TestCafe can now correctly work with pages that override
in IE11 (testcafe-hammerhead/#1890)