This is a another extension of BSP project. To empower the social entrepreneurship I have created the following social hangout for Visionaries. Share your vision BSP will provide you a donation pool.
BSP lets its customers to make micro donations to a good vision through Good Will Hunting Project.
Spread Good will you will heal the world!
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Passport.js
- Google Auth
- MongoDB
- MaterializeCSS
- Install the modules.
npm install
- Simply Run the App.
npm start
Spreading Good Will through sharing codes. (Imagine It.. Execute It)
module.exports = {
truncate: function(str, len){
if(str.length > len && str.length > 0){
var new_str = str + " ";
new_str = str.substr(0, len);
new_str = str.substr(0, new_str.lastIndexOf(" "));
new_str = (new_str.length > 0) ? new_str : str.substr(0, len);
return new_str + '...';
return str;
- Google Auth
- MLab Production
- Populate Stories