This project is a web application which manages the cars sold at three different car dealerships. It performs CRUD (Create, read, update and delete), search and purchase functions/operations on any car from any dealerships.
Programming language: Java
Java Framework: Spring Boot
Type: Maven
Dependencies used: Spring Web, Thymeleaf, Lombok, Spring data JDBC and H2 database
For building and running the application you need:
There are several ways to run a Spring Boot application on your local machine. One way is to execute the main
method in the com.devdaljeet.cardealershipsystem.CarDealershipSystemApplication
class from your IDE (Eclipse).
- Download the zip or clone the Git repository.
- Unzip the zip file (if you downloaded one)
- Open Command Prompt and Change directory (cd) to folder containing pom.xml
- Open Eclipse
- File -> Import -> Existing Maven Project -> Navigate to the folder where you unzipped the zip
- Select the project
- Choose the Spring Boot Application file (search for @SpringBootApplication)
- Right Click on the file and Run as Java Application
Alternatively you can use the Spring Boot Maven plugin like so:
$ git clone
$ cd CarDealershipSystem
$ mvn spring-boot:run
MIT License Copyright (c) 2020 Dev-Daljeet
Refer to LICENSE file for full information.