This repo is out of date (and we have graduated), and we're looking for contributors who would like to update the visualization to work with the latest Feds budgets. Please feel free to submit a PR if you are interested.
This Sankey chart is a visualization of the 2017-18 Feds Budget. We created this to inform the student body and to promote discussion around where student fees are being spent.
In the interest of readability, budget numbers aren't broken down past the service/office level. Further breakdowns can be found within the spreadsheet.
Made by Deon Hua and Yu Chen Hou, Feds Math Councilors.
- Hover over a spending item (eg. President Portfolio) to see the breakdown.
- You can drag stuff around vertically
If you have feedback, please get in touch:
- Anonymously via Google Form
- Emailing Deon or Yu Chen