A game-ish-thing inspired by text-based adventures, games like Uplink, and old websites.
Development on this is halted and the repo will be archived! It was fun to work on, but now that I know Ember a bit better it's at least not something I should do on the job anymore. If I ever do something likewise in a personal context, I'd fundamentally change it probably. Maybe. Who knows. I've closed the issues that have not been finished up to clear up my GitHub. You can view them here!
This feels weird to explicitly type out, but there have been few games that breach the 4th wall of your computer (Undertale, Pony Island) by making themselves crash or adding files to your desktop or whatever. While in good fun, this is not the case with this game. Besides clickable links to download static files (.txt, .jpeg...) from within the installation, no changes will be made to your filesystem or anything of the sort. The game is supposed to play out entirely in the confines of your browser.
- frontend - Ember.js frontend
- backend - Microservices-powered backend (didn't end up being made, woops)
The project is licensed under the MIT License.