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Will Roper edited this page Mar 1, 2022 · 3 revisions


Local parties are often organised by parliamentary constituency. So it's useful to map upcoming local elections to parliamentary constituencies.


  • This query takes a long time (hours).
  • WHERE oo.divisionset_id = 25 should point at the latest parl divisionset
  • WHERE ee.poll_open_date = '2022-05-05' should be the election date you're interested in.
  • The area calcs will be in m^2
  • WHERE overlap_area > 10000 This threshold is probably too small, but I don't know what is right, so and it doesn't make the result set too large. Figured it was easier to create filters in a spreadsheet, based on the calculated values.
WITH elections AS (
    SELECT ee.election_id, dg.geography, st_area(st_transform(dg.geography, 27700)) as electoral_division_area
    FROM elections_election ee
             JOIN organisations_divisiongeography dg
                  ON ee.division_geography_id =
    WHERE ee.poll_open_date = '2022-05-05'
      AND ee.group_type IS NULL
), elections_consitutencies AS (
    SELECT oo.official_identifier,
           st_area(st_intersection(st_transform(e.geography, 27700), st_transform(odg.geography, 27700))) as overlap_area,
    FROM elections e
             JOIN organisations_divisiongeography odg
                  ON e.geography && odg.geography
--                AND ST_RELATE(e.geography,odg.geography,'T********')
             JOIN organisations_organisationdivision oo on odg.division_id =
    WHERE oo.divisionset_id = 25
SELECT * FROM elections_consitutencies
WHERE overlap_area > 10000;
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