- Full documentation in HTLM version can be found in [repository directory]/documentation/htlm/index.htlm
- This repository was created to be used in conjuction with the integrated system known as "Charger_discharger.V5". The latest . It was created to control the PIC16F1786 installed for feedback control and serial logging.
- Hardware version: Charger_discharger.V5
- PCB design files located in [repository directory]/pcb/
- Connect usign serial cable model "TTL-232R-5V-AJ".
- Serial terminal Start with the following settings BR:57600 kbps, Data: 8 bit, Parity: none, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: none. Press "ESC" to restart and show the main menu. Set the desired configuration following the instructions.
- LabView logger program A program for receiving, saving and plotting the test data is included in the repository, in the directory labview_logger/logger.exe. The following programs are needed in order to run this program in a PC that does not have LabView installed:
- LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2016 - (64-bit)
- NI-VISA Run-Time Engine 16.0 The program creates the directory c:/logger_data to store the data.
- If you want to propose a review or need to modify the code for any reason first clone this repository in your PC and create a new branch for your changes. Once your changes are complete and fully tested ask the administrator permission to push this new branch into the source.
- If you just want to do local changes instead you can download a zip version of the repository and do all changes locally in your PC.