A PHP rewrite of the fantastic Python library WTForms.
I do not take credit for the idea behind WTForms or anything related to its original implementation. I just bastardized it and ported it to PHP.
Add the following line to the require
portion of your composer.json
or if you're feeling froggy, pull in the cutting edge master release
or run the following command from your favorite terminal for the stable version
composer require deathnerd/php-wtforms:0.5.2
or for the bleeding edge dev release
composer require deathnerd/php-wtforms:dev-master
Note: The dev-master version is not guaranteed to be stable.
To create a simple login-form it's as simple as this:
namespace MyNamespace\Forms;
use WTForms\Form;
use WTForms\Fields\Simple\PasswordField;
use WTForms\Fields\Simple\SubmitField;
use WTForms\Fields\Core\StringField;
use WTForms\Validators\InputRequired;
use WTForms\Validators\Length;
use WTForms\Validators\Regexp;
use MyNamespace\Validators\NotContains;
class LogInForm extends Form {
public function __construct(array $options = [])
$this->username = new StringField(["validators"=>[
new InputRequired("You must provide a username"),
new Length("Usernames must be between %(min)d and %(max)d characters long", ["min"=>3, "max"=>10]),
new NotContains("Usernames may not contain the following characters: ;-/@", ["invalid_members"=>[";","-","/","@"]])
$this->password = new PasswordField(["validators"=>[
new InputRequired("Can't log in without a password!"),
new Length("Passwords must be at least %(min)d characters in length", ["min"=>5])
$this->submit = new SubmitField(["label"=>"Submit"]);
namespace MyNamespace\Validators;
use WTForms\Validators\Validator;
use WTForms\Form;
use WTForms\Fields\Core\Field;
use WTForms\Exceptions\ValidationError;
class NotContains extends Validator
* @var string|array
public $invalid_members;
* @param string $message Error message to raise in case of a validation error
* @param array $options
public function __construct($message = "", array $options = ['invalid_members' => []])
assert(!empty($options['invalid_members']), "Doesn't make sense to not have any invalid members");
$this->invalid_members = $options['invalid_members'];
$this->message = $message;
* @param Form $form
* @param Field $field
* @param string $message
* @return mixed True if the field passed validation, a Validation Error if otherwise
* @throws ValidationError
public function __invoke(Form $form, Field $field, $message = "")
if (strlen($field->data) != strlen(str_replace($this->invalid_members, "", $field->data))) {
if ($message == "") {
if ($this->message == "") {
$message = "Invalid Input.";
} else {
$message = $this->message;
throw new ValidationError($message);
return true;
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use MyNamespace\Forms\LogInForm;
$form = LogInForm::create(["formdata" => $_POST]);
if ($_POST) {
if ($form->validate()) {
// do stuff to log in and authenticate the user
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>LogIn Form</title>
<?php if ($form->errors) { ?>
<ul class="errors">
foreach ($form->errors as $field_name => $errors) {
foreach ($errors as $field_error) { ?>
<li><?= $field_name ?> - <?= $field_error ?></li>
<?php } ?>
<form action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="POST">
<?= $form->username->label ?>
<?= $form->username ?>
<?= $form->password->label ?>
<?= $form->password ?>
<?= $form->submit ?>
And that's that. More in-depth examples and actual documentation are coming in the future. For now, look in the tests
directory for ideas on how to do things