Contents |
Built With |
Live Demo |
Install |
Testing |
Authors |
License |
The purpose of this project was to create a weather app using an API
I have created a weather app that allows you to search for any city and returns its weather information. It includes details of its temperature, description, feels like, humidity, wind speed, cloud coverage, sunrise and sunset time. Along with that, you can also change between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
I have also included an image API that retrieves data from Unsplash
and displays a background image of the location.
- JavaScript
- OpenWeatherMap API
- Unsplash API
- Tailwind CSS
- Webpack
- Netlify
- VS Code
Follow these steps below to get my Application working. I used npm to manage all my packages for JavaScript. If you don't have it installed already, you can install it here
- Open your
- Open your
- Navigate to the directory where you will like to install the repo by running
cd weatherify
- Navigate to the directory where you will like to install the repo by running
- Run
git clone
to download or you can download usingHTTPS
by runninggit clone
in the terminal
- Run
- Run
cd weatherify
to enter the directory
- Run
- Run
npm i
to install all the packages
- Run
- Sign up here for your own API key (You will receive the key via email and can access it in your account)
- Create a
file insrc/js/components
- Create a
- Add below to your
- Add below to your
const key = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE';
export default key;
- Run
npm run build
to build the app
- Run
- Go on your preferred
and opendist/index.html
in the folder directory
- Go on your preferred
I have used linters to test my code, which includes: webhint, eslint and stylelint
- Open
- Open
- Run
cd weatherify
to enter the directory
- Run
- Run
npm test
to start testing
- Run
- All tests will pass ✅
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!