Contents |
Built With |
Instructions |
Live Demo |
Install |
Testing |
Authors |
License |
This was my final project of the JavaScript module and the aim was to create a shooter game using the framework
I have a built a space shooter game that you can move your character using keys and have the ability to shooter lasers. I have added a scoring system to display your score, increment every time you shoot an enemy and the option to save it to the leaderboard. I have included the main menu which you can turn the music and sound on or off as well as credits and button to play.
-Arrow UP key
-Arrow DOWN key
-Arrow LEFT key
-Arrow RIGHT key
-Space bar
- JavaScript
- Phaser 3.51.0
- Jest
- Webpack
- Netlify
- VS Code
Follow these steps below to get my Application working. I used npm to manage all my packages for JavaScript. If you don't have it installed already, you can install it here
- Open your
- Open your
- Navigate to the directory where you will like to install the repo by running
cd shooter-game
- Navigate to the directory where you will like to install the repo by running
- Run
git clone
to download or you can download usingHTTPS
by runninggit clone
in the terminal
- Run
- Run
cd shooter-game
to enter the directory
- Run
- Run
npm i
to install all the packages
- Run
- Run
npm run build
to build the app
- Run
- Go on your preferred
and opendist/index.html
in the folder directory
- Go on your preferred
- [Optional] - If you would like to edit the code for your preference then you can enter development mode by running
npm start
in the terminal
- [Optional] - If you would like to edit the code for your preference then you can enter development mode by running
I have used Jest to test my code, you can find more info here: jest
- Open
- Open
- Run
cd shooter-game
to enter the directory
- Run
- Run
npm test
to start testing
- Run
- All tests will pass ✅
Assets that I had used: Kenney
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!