Adds support of Intex Spa throught MQTT protocol.
Current features:
- Get water temperature
- Set target water temperature
- Control heater, blowers, filters
- Toggle power
This application depends on Menno van Grinsven MQTT Client to communicate with a MQTT broker. You have to install and configure this application first (and configure a MQTT broker somewhere).
The underlying communication between the MQTT broker and the SPA is done by a DIY object only. The details are found on the Github's jnsbyr/esp8266-intexsbh20 repository.
Note : This system is only compatible for these models:
- Intex PureSpa SB-H20
- Intex SimpleSpa SB–B20
- Intex PureSpa SJB-HS
- Intex PureSpa SSP-H (not tested)
All the commands and measures of the Spa are available.