I will break down this website into two steps: Apperance, Interactivity and Coordination between the script and index.html. During this past week , we have been able to create the appearance of our website.However, we have not styled it well at it should.This is the challenging part of my website so far.I will break down further into sevarl steps that i will be highlighting here.
We divided the webpage into two sections namely header and main section.I will be consider adding the footer in the coming stages. The header will be composed of the logo , name of the website , and the nav links . They are arranged in inline block with space between them.
Imanaged to desig the body of the winning section by animating the border in a way i wanted it to be.I am proud of what i have done so far. Future plans
- Intergrating the display section to the script files so that the teams can be displayed dynamically as the gameweeks proceed.I hope to finish this task before the end of the month.
- Updating the media queries for phones and tablets.
- Proper design of the team image section.