This code is a project for the discipline Analysis and Project of Algorithms, in the Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil.
In this project, we aim to implement a heuristic to resolve the Graph Coloring problem.
In the Graph Coloring problem, we aim to color the verticies of a graph, in a way that two vertices of the same color are not adjacent to each other. Using the minimum number of colors possible.
You can see above a valid coloring for the graph.
- Construction Heuristic - Used to build a first coloring.
for each myvertex on the adjacent matrix
mycolor = 0;
while(there is a adjacent vertex colored with mycolor)
myvertex.color = mycolor;
DSATUR - Heuristic to the Graph Coloring problem, created by Daniel Brélaz in 1979
- Order the vertices in descending order of degrees.
- Color a vertex of maximum degree with color 1.
- Choose a vertex with maximum DSAT. In case of equality, choose a vertex of maximum degree.
- Color this top with the smallest possible color
- If all the vertices are colored then stop. Otherwise go in 3.
DSAT (v) = number of different colors in vertices adjacent to v
VND - Aims to eliminate colors from an early coloring, by trying to eliminate color x, changing all vertices colored with x to the other colors.
for each mycolor on the graph coloring
for each myvertex colored with mycolor
for each other proposedcolor on the graph coloring
if(there is no adjacent vertex colored with proposedcolor && proposedcolor != mycolor && proposedcolor is in the graph)
check which colors are on the graph
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
G++ or compatible installed.
To run the code in LINUX, in the directoy file:
And next:
There is a directory called inputs with a number of graphs to test, to change the graph that's going to be colored, in /source/graph.cpp , on Graph::Graph():
adjacent_matrix = ReadFile("inputs/input-name.col", &vertices_number);
With input-name being the name of the .col input to be tested.