In this repository, the multi-species mass transport library of Novaresio et al. (see below) is implemented for OpenFOAM-2.3.X. The original version of the library was developed for OpenFOAM-1.6 and later on updated for version 2.1.0.
Novaresio V., García-Camprubí M., Izquierdo S., Asinari P., Fueyo N., An Open-Source Library for the Numerical Modeling of Mass-Transfer in Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells. Computer Physics Communications, Elsevier B.V., pp. 22, 2011, Vol. 183, pag. 125-146, ISSN: 0010-4655, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2011.08.003.
binaryDiffusivityModel -> base class for all binary diffusivity models
constant -> binary diffusivity model with constant diffusion coefficients
Fuller -> binary diffusivity model based on Fuller-Schettler-Giddings correlation
ChapmanEnskog -> binary diffusivity model based of Chapman-Enskog correlation
Wilke -> binary diffusivity model based on Wilke-Lee correlation
Knudsen -> Knudsen diffusivity model
diffusivityModel -> class that collects the binary diffusion coefficients for a set of species
KnudsenDiffusivityModel -> class that collects the Knudsen diffusion coefficients for a set of species
multiSpeciesTransportModel -> base class for all multiSpecies transport models
Fick -> diffusive mass fluxes are calculated using the common Fick law for multicomponent mixture (D_alpha is function of molar/mass fractions)
FickDilutedMixture -> similar to Fick model, but D_alpha IS NOT function of molar/mass fractions
SchmidtNumber -> diffusive mass fluxes are calculated using the Schmidt number
Lewis -> diffusive mass fluxes are calculated using the Lewis number
Bosanquet -> similar to Fick model, but D_alpha is corrected with Knudsen effects
MaxwellStefan -> diffusive mass fluxes are calculated using the Maxwell-Stefan correlation (j_alpha depend by gradient of all species)
"modifiedReactingFoam" in which turbulence is initially generated in the whole domain (usually a box) using Fourier series.
"multiSpeciesTransportModels.pdf" in which the different models are explained.
This library is developed for OpenFOAM 2.3.X, and requires the latter version of the Open Source CFD Toolbox. For more information on how to install this version, the reader is referred to this web page.
To compile the two libraries and the solver, you can just run the installation script ("install_script") after ensuring the permissions to execute the file:
chmod u+x install_script
This will create the libraries diffusivityModels and multiSpeciesTransportModels in your $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN folder, and create the application modifiedReactingFoam in your $FOAM_USER_BIN folder.